
Brief Summary

Tyr is the god of justice and righteousness, who champions the cause of the innocent and opposes tyranny and oppression. He is a stern but fair deity, who values honor, courage, and self-sacrifice. His followers seek to uphold his ideals and promote justice in all aspects of life.  

Typical Worshipers

Tyr's worshipers are typically judges, lawyers, soldiers, and other defenders of justice. They believe that it is their duty to protect the innocent, punish the guilty, and uphold the law. They view justice as a divine calling and strive to live up to the high standards set by their god.  

Clerical Practice

Clerics of Tyr are typically judges or other legal professionals, who have been called to serve the god of justice. They are responsible for upholding the law, punishing wrongdoers, and protecting the innocent. They may provide legal advice and guidance to those in need, as well as offer spiritual guidance and healing to the faithful.  

Rituals and Prayers

Rituals and prayers to Tyr may involve the swearing of oaths or the making of pledges to uphold justice and righteousness. The scales of justice are a common symbol in these rituals, as are the sword and the blindfold. Prayers may be offered for guidance in legal matters, for strength and courage in the face of injustice, and for the protection of the innocent. Followers of Tyr may also perform acts of self-sacrifice or courage as a way of honoring their god's ideals.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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