Beaumont's Adventuring Guild

As you enter the Adventuring Guild, crossing underneath a "Newly opened" banner, it is plain to see that the guild's layout is very unique. In a large warehouse that's recently been renovated, you can find four separate areas, each big enough that they could very well be their own separate guilds.

1. Beaumont's Tavern - very homey tavern, with plenty of job boards advertising Adventuring Jobs and rewards for said jobs - see Norbury Job Board. There is both adventurers drinking and celebrating, and also a lineup of people who have ripped posters from the boards and are presumably waiting to speak to the barkeep to either claim a reward or ask for more details. Run by Leon Beaumont.

2. Morgrave's Classroom - an area permeatted with tables and desks and blackboards. There, people of many races, ages and backgrounds are listening intently to a lecturer that is currently teaching about Orc anatomy. There are a few of these classrooms, and you see another lineup of people close by that are waiting to speak to a studious looking Human who is supposedly registering people for these adventuring classes. Run by Claudia Morgrave.   3. Jericho's range - multiple "shooting range" style setups, where people are casting spells, shooting arrows, throwing daggers at various animated wooden dummies that try their best to dodge. Run by Jericho.
1 gold for 30 mins (5min per attempt) or 1 silver per arrow. 10 base AC, +4 every round (up to 26), dummy comes alive after the second arrow hits, starts lightly warming up for the 3rd, starts being unpredictable and flipping for the 4th, and naruto style side to side dodges for the 5th. Prize for all 5 arrows hitting is magical arrows.
4. Sir Matt's Sparing Mats - You also see plenty of people sparring in various rings each outfitted with a large bin full of wooden weapons. A towering knight in the recognizable Blademarks attire of full plate and golden cloak monitors each ring carefully. Run by Sir Mathias 'Matt' Doman

Public Agenda

To provide incentive for those brave heroes that would stand up and fight for those who cannot.
Guild, Adventuring

Articles under Beaumont's Adventuring Guild


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