Coalition of Whitebridge


The Coalition of Whitebridge represents a historical moment in the history of Sorus, post Age of Chaos. The neutral city of Whitebridge was founded after the Era of War, and the creation of Whitebridge (known as the Coalition of Whitebridge ) marked the start of a new era, named the Era of Prosperity. See After Chaos Timeline (AC) for more details.

Unity of the Realms

In parallel to the construction of the city, a set of Guiding Principles that the Realms must follow were etched into the stone columns of the Acropolis . Breaking these guiding principles constitutes a breach of the unity of the Realms. Whitebridge is empowered and capable of enforcing sanctions on a Realm that break the principles, in order to entice them to rejoin the unity of the Realms.

Some possible sanctions include Economic sanctions (typically a ban on trade), Diplomatic sanctions (deportation of nobles back to offending Realm), and possibly even Military intervention. However, any sanction must be agreed upon by the Coalition Inter-Sorus Relations divison that operates at the Acropolis .

Heroes of the Past

Whitebridge was built in a very difficult and dangerous location. Before the city was built, The Avaria to the North was an insurmountable obstacle. The Ash Forest to the South was also incredibly dangerous to traverse. Whitebridge quite literally bridged the gap between the North and the South, and now provides travelers and merchants alike much safer passage through this dangerous region.

Building this city was a monumental feat that many consider a miracle only possible with the guidance of the Gods. The truth is however darker than this glorified perspective. The construction of Whitebridge took years and was only possible through the heroic sacrifices that hundreds of people from every race made. The Realms bounded together to build tall walls, four marble bridges and an entire city while being assaulted by hordes of monsters stemming from The Ash Forest. These attacks carried on nightly for years. Construction experts, brave soldiers, invaluable cooks, clerics and healers, field hands, bards and entertainers, and many more professions all played a crucial role in Coalition of Whitebridge. Many died, and it is our duty to honor and remember them.

The city of Whitebridge serves as a permanent reminder that cooperation between the Realms is not only possible, but essential in order for citizens of Sorus to persevere and truly prosper.
Record, Historical


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