Guiding Principles


Four Guiding Principles were etched into the stone columns of the Acropolis when the city of Whitebridge was founded (see the Coalition of Whitebridge for more details) . A Realm that breaches one of these guiding principles thereby compromises the unity of the Realms. Whitebridge is both authorized and capable of enforcing sanctions on a Realm that breaks the principles, in order to entice them to rejoin the unity of the Realms.

Some possible sanctions include Economic sanctions (typically a ban on trade), Diplomatic sanctions (deportation of nobles back to the offending Realm), and possibly even Military intervention. However, any sanction must be agreed upon by the Coalition Inter-Sorus Relations divison that operates at the Acropolis .

The Four Guiding Principles

The Four Guiding Principles are as follows:
  1. A Realm will not unjustly act in a manner that can be construed as a threat to the unity of the Realms.
  2. A Realm must take all reasonable precautions to ensure economic stability.
  3. A Realm will not deprive a citizen of their personal freedom unless they are convicted of a crime.
  4. A Realm will defend Sorus against an outside source if the source presents a threat to the Realms.

The Realms of Sorus

  1. Realms of Men
  2. Halfling Hills
  3. Gnomish Territories
  4. Dwarven Empire
  5. Dragonborn District
  6. Elvish Lands
Text, Legislative


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