
God of Protection

Helm is the god of guardians, protection, and protectors. He is a cold and focused deity who takes on the role of defender and enforcer impartially. His followers worship him for his unyielding sense of duty and unwavering commitment to upholding the law and defending the innocent.  

Typical Worshipers

Helm's worshipers are typically guards, soldiers, and paladins who have a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards protecting others. They value order and justice, and see themselves as the first line of defense against those who would do harm. They are known for their selflessness and bravery, and often put themselves in harm's way to protect others.  

Clerical Practice

Clerics of Helm are typically stoic and unemotional, and see themselves as the guardians and protectors of their communities. They are known for their strict adherence to the law and their unwavering commitment to upholding justice. They often serve as judges, arbitrators, and enforcers of the law, and may also provide protection and aid to those in need.  

Rituals and Prayers

Rituals and prayers to Helm often involve the recitation of oaths and pledges of loyalty to the cause of protecting others. Followers of Helm may perform acts of vigilance and discipline, such as standing guard over a community or meditating on the virtues of duty and responsibility. They may also make offerings of weapons and armor as a way of symbolizing their commitment to the cause of protection and defense. The singing of hymns and the recitation of prayers that honor Helm's unwavering commitment to justice and protection is also a common practice.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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