
God of Vitality and Youth

Lathander, also known as The Morninglord, is a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality, and youth. He favors those who dispel the undead and blesses those who plant new life. Lathander is also the god called upon to bless birth.  

Typical Worshipers

Worshipers of Lathander include those who value creativity, youth, and renewal. Artists, athletes, farmers, and midwives are common among his followers, as are adventurers who seek to vanquish undead and protect the living. Many good-aligned paladins and clerics choose to devote themselves to Lathander's teachings.  

Clerical Practice

Lathander's clerics often begin each day with prayer and meditation as the sun rises. They frequently take up creative pursuits, whether it be through painting, music, or writing, as a way to express Lathander's teachings. Lathander's clerics also perform rites of renewal and blessings, such as blessings for newborns or for crops during planting season. They also take it upon themselves to defend the living against the undead, sometimes even leading crusades against necromancers and their minions.  

Rituals and Prayers

Followers of Lathander often offer prayers and thanks during the sunrise, when the Morninglord's power is at its strongest. They perform blessings for newborns, newlyweds, and those who seek renewal. Lathander's clerics also hold ceremonies to dispel undead and protect the living, which can include reciting holy chants and using holy water. Finally, they offer prayers of thanks for successful harvests and abundant crops.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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