
Goddess of Illusions

Leira is the goddess of deception and illusions, also known as The Lady of Deception or The Lady of the Mists. She is the patroness of illusionists and liars and is often depicted as a beautiful, enigmatic woman who is shrouded in mystery.  

Typical worshipers

Leira's worshipers include illusionists, liars, spies, and those who seek to deceive others. She is also sometimes worshiped by those who are forced to live in secret or to hide their true identities.  

Clerical practice

Leira's clerics are masters of illusion and deception, using their skills to confuse and mislead their enemies. They often work as spies and assassins, gathering information and carrying out secret missions for their goddess. They are also known to act as advisors and confidants to rulers and other powerful individuals, using their knowledge of secrets and hidden truths to gain influence.  

Rituals and prayers

Leira's worshipers often perform their rituals and prayers in secret, hidden from the prying eyes of others. Her worshipers often use disguises and illusions during their ceremonies, and many rituals involve trickery and deception. Her followers also offer sacrifices of fine clothing and precious gems to gain her favor.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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