
Goddess of Happiness and Freedom

Lliira, also known as the Joybringer, is the goddess of happiness and freedom. She is the patron of dancers, musicians, and those who seek a cheerful, carefree life. Her followers believe that life should be celebrated and enjoyed through the act of joyful movement.  

Typical Worshipers

Lliira's worshipers are often dancers, musicians, artists, and anyone who values happiness and joy. They are free-spirited individuals who prioritize the enjoyment of life above all else. Her followers are often seen performing dances and singing songs in her honor, spreading joy wherever they go.  

Clerical Practice

Lliira's clerics are known for their infectious enthusiasm and optimistic outlook on life. They often lead celebrations and festivities, encouraging others to let loose and enjoy themselves. They are skilled dancers and musicians and use their talents to spread joy and happiness. Lliira's clerics are also known for their healing abilities, using dance and music to heal the wounded and sick.  

Rituals and Prayers

Lliira's worshipers perform lively and energetic rituals, often involving dance and music. They offer up prayers of thanks for the joy and freedom they experience in their lives and ask for Lliira's blessings on their continued happiness. Some of the common prayers include: "Oh Joybringer, fill us with your light and energy," and "Grant us the freedom to dance and revel in the beauty of life."
Divine Classification


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