
Goddess of Pain

Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, is the goddess of agony who serves the greater god Shar. She is the master of inflicting physical and psychological suffering.  

Typical Worshipers

Loviatar is worshiped by those who delight in causing pain, such as torturers, sadists, and others who take pleasure in the suffering of others.  

Clerical Practice

The clergy of Loviatar are known as the Maiden's Handmaidens, and they are primarily female. They often wear black leather and wield whips or other instruments of torture. They believe that pain is necessary for growth and enlightenment and see themselves as agents of Loviatar's divine will.  

Rituals and Prayers

The rituals of Loviatar involve the inflicting of pain upon oneself or others as a form of worship. The Handmaidens often use torture devices in their ceremonies, and bloodletting is a common practice. Prayers to Loviatar are often requests for the strength to endure pain or to inflict it upon others.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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