
Goddess of Darkness

Shar, goddess of darkness is associated with night, loss, and caverns. She is the twin sister of Selûne, goddess of the moon, and presides over all that occurs in the absence of light.  

Typical Worshipers

Shar's followers include those who seek power through darkness and secrecy, as well as those who fear and respect the mysteries of the night. Her worshipers include Drow, necromancers, assassins, and other evil creatures.  

Clerical Practice

Shar's clerics are secretive and operate in the shadows. They often operate in secret societies and use their powers to gain power and influence. Not much is known of these socities or of their true goals.  

Rituals and Prayers

Shar's rituals are often performed in complete darkness or by the light of black candles. Her followers offer sacrifices of blood and perform rites of initiation that involve facing their darkest fears. Shar's prayers often involve asking for protection and guidance in the darkness or seeking the knowledge of secrets that lie hidden in the shadows.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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