
An obese man with slick blonde hair, a red velvety fur coat, hands full of gemmed rings and gold chains hanging around his neck; Guillermo. Guillermo, one of five leaders of The Merchant's Guild is arrogant, entitled and loud. He's in the business of trading fine silks, fancy clothes and exclusive items with the Guillermo brand. He inherited his business from his father who was a wealthy silk merchant. He then infamously sold his fathers store after his death in order to invest in his clothing line. The Guillermo brand is quite popular in Norbury, mostly for vain reasons such as brand popularity and exclusive ownership of limited time merchandise. He also owned a very successful Gambling House before his death (Madame's Gambling house).


As a leader of Norbury, Guillermo was mostly a pain to deal with. He was well known for his direct opposition of whatever Leon Beaumont was voting for, effectively cancelling out Leon's role in Norbury. He took great pleasure in being as annoying as possible towards the elderly merchant, though the origin of their disagreements is not public knowledge.


Guillermo was also known to be extremely well guarded. He lived in the largest mansion in all of Mechant Square, a palace built of marble and gold surrounded by massive metal fences and patrolled day and night by a ridiculous amount of guards. Guillermo was never seen without armed escort.


He had a good relationship with Madame Dubois, often frequenting Chez Madame to watch the burlesque shows and harass her girls.


Guillermo had many enemies. It was no surprise to anyone that people wanted him dead. The surprise was in the fact that he was found dead in a blood-stained shack located deep in the Northern Forest. How did someone manage to get to him?


Year of Death
853 AC
Circumstances of Death
Murdered in gruesome fashion

This article has no secrets.


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