Realms of Cake

Realms of Cake is a famous cake shop located in Whitebridge. They are known to bake magical cakes of every kind. They specialize in expensive custom cakes, though they offer more than just cake:
  • Animal Cookies
  • Mood Ring Rainbow cake
  • Always-warm Cupcakes
  • Always-cold Cheesecakes
  • Varied Taste Milkshake

During the yearly lottery that determines the new government, Realms of Cake bakes a massive Coalition Cake. This cake is sliced into 300 equal pieces; each piece of cake contains the name of a randomly selected eligible citizen. Each piece is removed one by one, read aloud, and then distributed to the matching citizen. Eating the cake means accepting the role of Coalition member, while returning the cake to the shop means declining the role (at which point a backup cake is cut).
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