Realms of Men vs Dwarven Empire Conflict

The history of Sorus is marked by a series of conflicts and rivalries, but none as enduring or impactful as the conflict between the Realms of Men and the Dwarven Empire. Spanning hundreds of years, this rivalry has shaped the political, cultural, and military landscape of Sorus, embedding a deep-seated mistrust and tension between humans and dwarves that persists even during periods of peace.  

The First Great War

The Era of War (207AC-252AC) was a tumultuous period characterized by significant growth in population and cities within the Realms of Men, leading to increased competition over land and resources. The First Great War (207AC-234AC) between humans and dwarves was a bloody and destructive conflict that stemmed from these tensions. Humans, seeking expansion and control, clashed with the dwarves over territory and rights to resource-rich areas. The war ended with a Human victory, forcing the dwarves to retreat to the Southern mountains and cede a significant portion of their land. This defeat sowed the seeds of resentment and a desire for reclamation among the dwarves.  

The Second Great War

The fragile peace was shattered with the coronation of King Thoroin, who rallied his people with a fervent call to reclaim their ancestral lands. The Second Great War was ignited by the dwarves' bold attack on the capital city of Myre, leading to its destruction and the eventual capitulation of the Realms of Men (549-551AC). The war ended with the humans yielding land south of Whitebridge, marking a temporary balance of power but leaving an indelible scar on the relationship between the two realms.  

Cultural Impact

The long-standing conflict has deeply influenced the cultural and social narratives of both the Realms of Men and the Dwarven Empire. Dwarven songs, tales, and art often depict the valor and Suffering of their ancestors, while human history is rife with stories of heroic battles and the defense of their lands. This shared history has molded the identities of both peoples, with each viewing the other through the lens of past conflicts.  

Current Relations and Tensions

In the current era of peace, the scars of the past still dictate the diplomatic and social interactions between the Realms of Men and the Dwarven Empire. Trade and cooperation occur, but they are often cautious and calculated, with both sides preparing for the possibility of future conflicts. The existence of groups like The Order of the Keepers, who work behind the scenes to maintain peace, is a testament to the fragile nature of the truce between the two realms.


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