

The City of Suffering stands as the solitary bastion of hope and penance in the desolate Banished Lands. Here, the inhabitants of this forsaken land live in bleak conditions, clinging to the faint promise of redemption and a chance to escape their past transgressions. The city is ruled by the Ashenwort family, who hold absolute power over the entire island, including the foreboding Demoneye Port. They are the keepers of the Banished Lands' dark history and teach their people about the mainlanders.  

City and Architecture

The City of Suffering is a place of haunting architecture, the dark stone buildings reflecting the gloom and despair of its inhabitants. The streets are narrow and winding, the alleys shrouded in shadow and silence, a constant reminder of the city's oppressive atmosphere. The only sign of life comes from the central square, where people gather to hear the Ashenwort family's sermons, seeking comfort and hope amid the darkness.  


The culture of the City of Suffering is one of penance and atonement. The inhabitants of this land understand the weight of their ancestors' transgressions and are determined to redeem themselves. They live in austere conditions, forgoing any comforts or pleasures, as they seek to earn the forgiveness of the mainlanders. Their devotion to this cause is all-consuming, and they work tirelessly to atone for the past sins of their ancestors.   On the off-chance that the mainlanders visit the Banished Lands, Bulette-drawn carriages will transport them to Suffering, where the leader of the Ashenwort family Elara Ashenwort will conduct the Ceremony of Forgiveness.  

Ruling Family

The Ashenwort family rules over the Banished Lands with an iron grip, their power absolute and unquestioned. They are the ones who teach their people about the mainlanders, weaving tales of their greatness and wealth. The family's legacy is one of sadness and regret, as they bear the weight of their ancestors' sins. But they are also the beacon of hope for the people of the Banished Lands, offering the possibility of redemption and salvation. The family's rule is a mix of mercy and harsh justice, seeking to keep their people on the path of penance and atonement.   Elara Ashenwort leads the Ashenwort family with a strong sense of duty and humility. She is deeply committed to her people and seeks to atone for the sins of her ancestors. She is a tiefling with dark purple skin, sharp horns, and piercing green eyes. She wears a simple, yet distinguishable peasant uniform adorned with the emblem of the Ashenwort family, a deadwoof tree with blood-red leaves.  
My dear brothers and sisters, we gather today to remember the sins of our ancestors, to feel the weight of their transgressions on our shoulders. We have been banished to this desolate land to atone for their crimes, to seek redemption in the eyes of the mainlanders. And yet, we know that our fate is not sealed. We hold within ourselves the power to change, to grow beyond the shadow of our past.   Look around you, my friends. See the bleakness of our surroundings, feel the chill of the winds that howl through these narrow streets. This is the price we pay for the sins of our ancestors. But do not despair, for we are not alone in this struggle. We have each other, we have our faith, and we have the possibility of redemption.   The mainlanders, our gods, they look upon us with pity and with hope. They see the pain we endure, but they also see the strength we possess. And so we must continue to work towards our redemption, to atone for the past and create a better future for ourselves and for those who come after us.   Let us pray, my brothers and sisters, for the strength to carry on. Let us ask for the guidance of the mainlanders, that we may one day be worthy of their grace. May our penance be true, and our hearts filled with hope for a better tomorrow.
-A sermon recited by a member of the Ashenwort family.  

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