
God of Nature

Silvanus is a nature deity worshipped by druids, hermits, wilderness dwellers, and rangers. He is known for his unpredictable nature, as he embodies both the natural beauty and savagery of wild nature. Silvanus is concerned with maintaining balance in nature, specifically between growth and decay, water and drought, and fire and ice.  

Typical Worshipers

Silvanus is primarily worshipped by those who revere the untamed wilderness, such as druids, hermits, wilderness dwellers, and rangers.  

Clerical Practice

Silvanus pays no attention to the machinations of mortals or other deities. His followers focus on maintaining balance in nature and protecting the wild places. They show their devotion to Silvanus by living in harmony with nature and defending it against those who threaten it.  

Rituals and Prayers

Silvanus' rituals often involve communing with nature and seeking guidance from the spirits of the wild. His worshippers offer him sacrifices in exchange for his protection, but he is also known to act without warning, sometimes bestowing his blessings on those who least expect it.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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