
God of War

Tempus, also known as the Lord of Battles, is the chaotic god of war. He encourages honorable battle, discourages cowardice, and believes in settling disputes through force of arms. He has no specific alignment and distributes his favor randomly. His greatest passion is battle and he lives for excess.  

Typical Worshippers

Tempus is worshipped by warriors, soldiers, and those who seek glory in battle. He is also revered by those who appreciate a fair fight and honorable combat.  

Clerical Practice

The clerics of Tempus are primarily concerned with leading soldiers into battle and inspiring them to fight with honor. They also act as arbiters of disputes and work to prevent cowardice on the battlefield.  

Rituals and Prayers

Followers of Tempus often offer prayers before battle and seek his favor in combat. Temples dedicated to him are often adorned with weapons and armor, and his followers frequently participate in tournaments and other displays of martial prowess.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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