
Goddess of Trade

Waukeen, also known as the Merchant's Friend, is the goddess of trade and wealth. She is a neutral deity who favors those who accumulate wealth through fair trade and hard work.  

Typical Worshipers

Waukeen's worshipers include merchants, traders, and wealthy individuals who seek to increase their wealth through legitimate means. Some adventurers also seek her blessings before embarking on adventures.  

Clerical Practice

Waukeen's clerics are often involved in commerce, negotiating trade deals, and offering financial advice. They are also responsible for maintaining the temples of Waukeen and ensuring that they are prosperous.  

Rituals and Prayers

Waukeen's worshipers offer prayers and offerings to her before important business transactions or when seeking financial success. Her temples often hold auctions and marketplaces to celebrate her blessings and to provide opportunities for trade and commerce. Her holy symbol is a golden coin with Waukeen's face on one side and a scale on the other.
Divine Classification
Lesser God


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