Witch & Twitch

A pocket watch with a multitude of faces and dials, each tracking the precise time in a different plane. Unfortunately, it is powered by an incredibly tiny rift between our plane and the abyss. If you hold it to your ear you can hear faint whispers of the chaos. If it is ever dropped or left unattended for more than 1 hour, it spawns 1d4 Imps who torment you and play keep away with the watch.

A small wooden toy lumberjack that violently swings a sharp metal axe downwards when pressed the button in its back. Anything under the axe loses 1 hit point. 5gp

Gimble’s Fabulous Spring. A hightension spring device contained in a compacted platform. Can be activated to provide lift, boost a jump, or even to separate heavy objects, however, should the housing be damaged, the energy released by the uncoiling spring can prove spectacularly lethal. Some less scrupulous gnomes have been known to intentionally compromise Gimble’s Springs to create traps. Triple jump distance, 75 gold.

Irvlin’s Icy Earmuffs: Upon speaking the command word, these fluffy, crystal clear earmuffs fire two cones of cold in opposite directions, one from each ear (save DC 15). This property can be used once per day. They also keep your ears warm. (Irvlin is not responsible for any damage caused to allies). 5000 gold.

Theft-Deterrent Pouch: Reaching into the pouch requires a DC 10 CON save, or take 2d6 poison damage, half on a success. Wait... how do I get my gold back out? 50 gold

Gob’s Hood of Hiding: Makes you Look, and Smell, like a goblin - head to toe - dc20 perception check. When you take it off, you no longer Look like a goblin. Oh, the smell? It lingers... 125 gold

Essential Healing Potion: Heals 2d4+2 HP randomly within the next 24 hours. Made from essential oils. 30 gold.

Automatic Fire Starter: Tired of struggling to light your pipe or campfire with your clumsy mechanical piece? This automatic fire started is enchanted to light in proximity to wood, just bring the lighter up to your pipe and Voila, it’s on fire. I might not have thought this through, I’ll put it away. Oh, shit did I have a book in there? Yep, definitely had a book in there, I’ll be right back, have to put out this robe. 25 gold.

The Thunder Muffs: Yellow earmuffs that let you hear what thunder sounds like up close.

Bottled Lightning: If outside, every time the ball makes contact with a new surface, lightning strikes it. DO NOT DROP. 3rd level lightning bolt, 250 gold, increase price proportionate to spell strength

The Steam Powered Spoon: A spoon that moves in a jack hammer fashion. It is meant to smash rocks into smaller pieces, making them more easily digestible.

The Boomstick: A large club with an opening on the bottom which is filled with explosives and a trigger on the top to make them go off. Just a shame that the club isn’t always sturdy enough to take the explosion, so its recommended the user wears some armor to protect them from surprise shrapnel. Oh, and make sure you can stand your ground, the recoil is terrible.

Purpose / Function

Magical knick-knacks that are built in a collaboration between Twitch Twiddles and his new magical counterpart, replacing Rowan Lestrin from the University of Irondeep, is a mysterious woman simply known as Witch.


Around the simple brick building you can find a few floating crystals, a handful of gears that spin faster than should be possible, and some chickens. Normal, really.
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Articles under Witch & Twitch


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