Twitch Twiddles

Inside the University of Irondeep, a Gnome sits in a workshop with hundreds of mechanical parts scattered everywhere, a bunch of tools and mechanical equipment spilling from the boxes around him. He specialises in repairing and upgrading various equipment. He is as you guess, very twitchy and hyperactive. His equipment sometimes blows up, but that's no fault of his. Twitch spent a few years collaborating with Rowan Lestrin, the headmaster of Irondeep University. Rowan is very keen on pushing the boundaries sometimes, resulting in some failed experiments. Overall, they made a good pair and created some truly unique magical items.


Twitch is an extremely skilled tinkerer and mechanic. He's spent his short life studying anything mechanical, and disregarding pretty much everything else.


When he works he wears glasses that are superimposed with 4 additional lenses, each spinning at a different speed.


Twitch left Irondeep for Norbury shortly after the liberation of Irondeep. He is excited to study the technology of the outside world. While he co-owns a shop in Norbury, Witch & Twitch, he also works at the Applied Sciences Guild from time to time.
Current Status
He is currently working with Lunar Academy as part of a collaboration between Irondeep and Solaris.
Aligned Organization


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