Wood Elf Ethnicity in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Wood Elf

Wood elves are a subrace of elves that are closely attuned to nature and the wilderness. They are typically depicted as being tall and slender, with pointed ears and a natural grace. They are agile and quick, and excel at archery and stealth. Wood elves are live in harmony with nature, and are typically skilled at tracking and survival in the wilderness. Wood elves are usually more in tune with their emotions and more in touch with the natural world than other elves, and are more accepting of other races as a result. Wood elves also experience the phenomenon known as Trance .

Eating Habits

Wood elven diets include things like foraged berries and nuts, as well as game that they hunt themselves, such as deer, rabbit, or small rodents. Wood elves may also grow their own fruits and vegetables in small gardens, or cultivate mushrooms and other edible plants found in the forest. Some wood elves may also supplement their diet with fish or other seafood if they live near a body of water.

Funeral Rites

Wood elves may perform various nature-based rituals as part of their funeral rites. These include things like singing to the spirits of the forest, making offerings to nature deities, and releasing lanterns or other objects into the sky. The bodies of wood elves are buried in forests, usually near great trees so that they may provide nourishment to the forest.


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