Hollow Heart

Fraz is the ruler of the Hollow Heart, is a featureless plain of white dust with few structures on it. The lair itself is the city of Zoragmelok, a circular fortress surrounded by adamantine walls topped with razors and hooks. Corkscrew towers loom above twisted domes and vast amphitheatres, just a few examples of the impossible architecture that fills the city. She spent much time creating and reshaping parts of the realm to her liking.   176th layer of the Abyss.   Blood Dunes-
The Blood Dunes is the name of a vast red desert over a thousand miles across. The region is covered with a viscous red mixture of dried scabs and clotted blood. The temperature of this desert is severe.   The desert is infested with undead, and dotted with ancient ruins inhabited by powerful mummies and lich lords.   A vast stretch of bloodsoaked mud here, known as the Red Rapture, is reserved as a execution ground for human captives. Large numbers of vrocks here serve as torturers and executioners. At the edge of this realm toward the ocean is the city of Karugoza (pop. 7,500), where captives are bought (for prices of around 100 gp) and processed.   The Demon's Teeth-
A vast mountain range created personally by Fraz in a years-long fit of rage. The edges of its peaks are are razor sharp, and four great lakes of bile lie in valleys between the mountains. Demon survivors of Fraz's return live in these lakes, where they wage guerilla warfare against the demon lady.   The lowlands here are covered in the Deathroot Woods, a forest of Abyssal oak and pine trees whose roots resemble human bones. The woods are guarded by all manner of plant monsters and a circle of thirteen demon-blooded treants.   A long thin valley of white sand known as the Forever Gash cuts through the Demon's Teeth. For unknown reasons, it resists all efforts to allow itself to be re-shaped.   The Drooling Jungle-
A massive forest of rubbery, murmuring trees, drooling poisonous ichor from their gaping mouths. The ground is a massive sheet of warm flesh, with black hair serving as the forest's undergrowth.   Its dangerous inhabitants include basilisks, legions of bar-lgura demons, acid-breathing hydras, and an elite nalfeshnee caretaker known as the Gardener.   The Flensers-
The Flensers is a menacing range of active volcanoes which line one edge of the Hollow sea. They constantly spew ash and lava into the air.   Between the Flensers and the sea lies the Harrowfen, a highly toxic swamp. These waters are poisonous to the touch, and as a result the area's only inhabitants are poison-immune creatures such as hezrou demons and skulvyn.   The Hollow Sea-
The shore of this vast ocean of foul, greenish water is lined with squalid settlements inhabited by savage humanoids and ruled by various demons. Orcs, goblins and ogres live here, where they serve as the realm's peasant militia, and human slaves are kept in some cities. The major settlements include Athawyn (pop. 9,000), Karantis (pop. 6,300), Bonepus (pop. 1,560), Magghat (pop. 3,200) and Uanthur (pop. 3000).   The massive iron temple Karantis overlooks the Hollow Sea. It is inhabited by 6,300 humanoid cultists of Fraz. No humans are among their number; the Princess of Deception has not forgiven that race after her imprisonment by a human archmage.   The Scarwood-
A mundane forest inhabited by bands of prisoners escaped from the capital of Zoragmelok. Fraz uses it as her personal hunting grounds.   Zoragmelok-
The capital of this plane is a city known as Zoragmelok. Here, the souls of cultists of Fraz are held. Known as the Deceived, these humans sacrificed to the cult are held in a promised idyllic personal paradise, only for it to be revealed an illusion so that Fraz can gloat over their despair.   Zoragmelok is sprawling and vast, protected by enormous adamantine walls. Human captives hang from these walls on hooks, kept alive by harpy clerics to prolong their torture. The city is guarded by powerful succubi. (https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Hollow%27s_Heart)
Alternative Name(s)
176th layer
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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