Lovers Lake

Elrith, Queen of Succubi rules over the realm known as Lovers Lake. This layer is manly one massive lake with an island in the middle where her set of power is, a castle called Castle Amare as well as a city surrounding the castle. She keeps around Incubi to keep her and her subjects happy, her subjects are mainly succubi and souls she or her girls have collected. The lake is pink and has its own light glowing from within. Boating on the lake is fine but you don't want to touch the liquid as it makes you fall for Elrith, therefore fall under her control.   69th layer of The Abyss.   The city looks like its made out of white marble and the castle out of pink tinted marble. This layer is the most friendly towards mortals but just like any layer they can go missing or end up trapped in the castle. People travel from all over to have fun and be carefree as they do it. Its a save haven for succubi as the Queen loves all her children, where ever there loyalties lie usually, she knows in the end they will do as she says.
Alternative Name(s)
69th layer
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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