Plain of Infinite Portals

Pazunia, also called the Plain of Infinite Portals, the Palace of 1,001 Closets, the Plain of a Thousand Portals, and the Plain of Yawning Pits, was the first layer of the Abyss. It was ruled by the demon prince Pazuzu.   Pazunia was a vast land of rocky, windswept barrens dotted with pits and canyons, tors and mesas. Lit by an ancient red sun, iron fortresses dotted the layer.    The River Styx cut through this layer, which also connected to both Pandemonium and Hades at different edges.   Notable Locations:
The plains of Pazunia were dotted with countless pits that acted as portals to lower layers of the Abyss. The single biggest and most important of these was the Grand Abyss, which was considered a layer in its own right. Most other locations of importance were located by a portal.   Aldinach's Egg-
An ovoid iron fortress ruled by the demon lord Aldinach and protected by her twisted creations.
Broken Reach-
A fortress built atop a portal to the Outlands gate-town of Plague-Mort and surrounded by a thriving trade town, it was ruled by the succubus sorceress Red Shroud.
Lakes of Molten Iron-
A series of lakes full of liquid iron ranging in colour (and heat) from red to white; most of the weapons and all of the fortresses made on Pazunia used iron from this source. Shullen-Gat-
A fortress claimed by the minor demon lord and former Blood War general Baltazo, it controlled a portal leading to Hollow's Heart.
A sullen, muddy garrison town on the shores of the Styx that served as primary embarkation point for press-ganged demons on the layer. Molydeus demons rounded up recruits, who were quickly loaded onto riverboats. Babau officers kept "order" in the place by force. Vanelon-
A fancifully-embellished iron fortress of sweeping towers and magnificent facades, this structure guarded the pit that led to Shendilavri, and served as the home of Malcanthet's Favored Consort. Its last known occupant was the demon lord Mastiphal the Hunting Sovereign.   Inhabitants-
The layer was home to countless mane petitioners, who were constantly hunted for food or thrust down the pits into the deeper layers, as well as gangs of molydei that hunted demon stragglers. There were also a large number of mortal and outsider merchants and visitors throughout the layer, attracted by the opportunities offered by the layer's countless portals.   The obyrith prince Pazuzu ruled the Plain of Infinite Portals, but countless minor demon lords squabbled on its surface, fighting over resources and strongholds.


The obyriths long ago learned that to control the first layer was to control the Abyss, and many of the iron fortresses there still show some of their architecture. However, at the end of the Age before Ages, when the obyriths fell, an army of celestial eladrin managed to conquer the Plain for a time, before being ousted by the rising tanar'ri.
Alternative Name(s)
Plain of Infinite Portals, the Palace of 1,001 Closets, the Plain of a Thousand Portals, Plain of Yawning Pits
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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