The Demonweb

Lolth’s layer is an immense network of thick, magical webbing that forms passageways and cocoon-like chambers. Throughout the web, buildings, structures, ships, and other objects hang as if caught in a spider’s snare. The nature of Lolth’s web creates random portals throughout the plane, drawing such objects in from demiplanes and Material Plane worlds that figure into the schemes of the Spider Queen. Lolth’s servants also build dungeons amid the webbing, trapping and hunting Lolth’s hated enemies within crisscrossing corridors of web-mortared stone.   Far beneath these dungeons lie the bottomless Demonweb Pits where the Spider Queen dwells. There, Lolth is surrounded by her handmaidens — yochlol demons created to serve her and which outrank mightier demons while in the Spider Queen’s realm. (Source: DMG D&D 5e)   66th layer of the Abyss.   The realm consisted of black emptiness with an acrid smell and giant spider web. It was very hot there. The Pits were covered in corpses of monsters and demons lying dead and dying, particularly goristros. Lolth dwelt in a black temple suspended in the web. Her stone face covered the entrance. (
Alternative Name(s)
66th layer
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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