Getting to Glannock, doing some gardening

General Summary

You arrived in Glannock fresh from a nice hike through the woods, during which you discovered and immediately pulverised a small creature made of twigs. This happened too quickly to find anything out about what it was, but it looked like there's some magical blight scarring the woods. You decided to ask the weaver you'd heard of in Glannock about this; she's a dedicant of the same forest spirit as the druid Mossevel .   In Glannock, Clara immediately peeled off to see the odonter (tooth-healer), who travels from town to town and is currently in Glannock. She has a cracked tooth that's been killing her.  
You proceeded to meet:
  Alba, the village healer (female-presenting, they/them). She's an older River dwarf, pale complexion, thick white hair. She is soft-spoken but speaks nonstop, in a kind of comforting bedside chatter. She seems very no-nonsense, had little patience for Oswald's tomfoolery, but has decided she like Tevik and has helped him hide from Elder Colm.   Alba is a soup witch; her spells all take the form of soups. Some of these are potions that keep for some time (i.e. healing potions) but a lot of them are finished up with magic as she makes them, and become non-magical as they cool. She knows the cantrips Mending, Spare the Dying, and First Aid (all as soups).   Nessabel (she/her), the weaver, relatively new to town (a decade or so) and still considered an outsider in some ways. She is a stout river dwarf, with thick toned arms and a paunchy gut, short fair hair, and only one eye. She's quite sunburned, as though she goes for a lot of bushwalks. Nessabel is cocky and friendly; it's clear she doesn't take the party seriously but she likes trading barbs with Oswald. If Tevik has a conversation with her about weaving, he'll find she thinks of herself as the best weaver Glannock has seen in three hundred years. She doesn't mind the villagers' insularity because they're lucky to have her, and they'll realise it eventually. She is very good, her textiles obviously sell well down the river.   Elder Coln (he/him), one of the village elders. He is also a river dwarf, silver-haired, wears his hair and beard in braids. He was shocked and appalled at what happened in the shrine; he seemed angry with Nessabel for causing it, but also guilty, in some way he didn't want to talk about.  
The place:
  Glannock is strung out in a long line along a narrow headland; one one side is a cliff overlooking the big lake below (Aven Crum), and on the other is a high tarn, a mountain lake, called the Bottle. At the very end of the headland, a waterfall cascades from the Bottle to Aven Crum. There are still buildings at that end of the headland, but you could already see that they're mostly abandoned.  
The story as it emerged:
  Glannock sometimes sees things from the old town wash up on the shore of one of the lakes. If they are magical artefacts, the inhabitants previously had a ritual called "giving it to Drowned Glannock," which according to Elder Colm meant they took it out in a boat on the Bottle, and sank the artefact to the bottom, where it couldn't harm anybody (the Bottle is very deep for such a small lake).   Some years ago they stopped doing this, for some reason; in fact there's no boat in Glannock now, though there's still a dock. The Valdas Eye was the first artefact to show up from the old destroyed town since then. You're not sure how this eventuated, but Nessabel took it upon herself to put the Valdas Eye in the shrine to Dzievana (an open-air garden), the forest spirit she venerates. Her idea was that Dzievana would take care of it.   All you know now is that the Eye is gone; there was ectoplasm where it had been lying in the shrine; and the shrine was full of more of the awakened plant things you'd seen in the forest. They were mean, but you won in the end. Now you're all banged up, and sleeping/drinking it off in the inn. Alba expected you to pay but Elder Colm, obviously feeling guilty, arranged for you to sleep and drink for free (food is still on you).  
Character stuff
  Örm is getting closer to the obsidian mirror in his pocket; it seems to be giving him feels, mostly bad feels about undead things.   Alba recognised Tevik from the smithy incident 12 years ago. She respects his apology and to her the matter is settled. River dwarves often feel that the mountain Okunnen think they're all that; she likes Tevik's courtesy.   Elder Colm was good friends with the smith; what his reaction to Tevik might be at this point is unknown because Tevik's hiding from him. Nessabel wasn't living in Glannock then.   Oswald finally got to stab something, so aside from some itchy thorn scratches he's feeling all right. Alba has some nice soothing salve for thorn scratches, too.
Report Date
30 Jun 2023
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