Races in Malfa

(Note: this campaign uses the Ancestry & Culture expansion to replace “race” as used in DnD 5e. See also Playable Races for more about these peoples.)   The peninsula was uninhabited before the Maveren established a trading post there; all peoples who now live here, came specifically for Malfa.

Mixed sea-elven ancestry

The Maveren began as a society of mixed-race viking-like people, part-human and part-sea-elf. In theory it’s possible to become Maver through proving yourself worthy as well as by heredity, but the large majority of Maveren still have some sea-elf ancestry. The Maveren themselves are a small minority in Malfa, though. Other, non-Maveren people in Malfa sometimes have sea-elf ancestry as well, but there are proportionally less of them.   Many Maveren have some implicit racism towards people without sea-elf blood, and some very explicit classism towards sea-elf descendants who aren’t Maver.


The most common race in Malfa, though not by a huge margin. In the old days, Maveren thralls were mostly human. Now, a lot of the people who’ve come to Malfa overseas are human as well, or mixed-race part-humans. They’re of multiple ethnicities and original nationalities.   Some Maveren are human, which longer-lived Maveren with elven ancestry are sometimes condescending about.


The Hewellen are the Maveren’s major trading partner, and the dominant dwarven culture of the inland hills and mountains, but they aren’t the only dwarven people who live in the interior. A number of Hewellen and other dwarves have come to Malfa for various reasons, enough to have a decent-sized presence.   Some Hewellen, but not all, have horns. They are widely rumoured amongst other dwarves to have some demonic ancestry.

River dwarves

Not a distinct type of dwarf, but a term referring to mixed dwarven-elven people (hill dwarves and wood elves), who mostly live in small interconnected farming communities upriver from Malfa. There are a few in the city, but not in large numbers.   There are two river-dwarf Maveren, Crane and Heron, who are both biological siblings and members of the same household (Sjolfri). Their father was made Maver about a century ago.

Sea goblins)

Also not a distinct type, but just goblins that live in cave communities along the Small Coast south of Malfa. Many of these caves open onto the sea or have underground sea caves, and the goblins are fishers—some of them go out onto the sea in small boats, for night fishing.   These goblins don’t often come into Malfa, but occasionally they do.

Other mountain/underground peoples

The Hewellen’s cultural dominance inland, and their trade with Malfa, means that sometimes non-dwarven people also come down the river to the city. This includes orcs, goblins, gnomes, and various other peoples. These might be ethnically different, and will definitely be a bit culturally differerent, than the same races in other countries.

Other elves, elven heritages, & other peoples

Aside from sea-elven heritage, there are only a few elves or elven descendants in Malfa, mostly individuals who came for personal reasons. The same goes for other races, such as halflings—it isn’t unheard-of for a halfling to show up in town, but it isn’t common either.   There is one full-blooded high-elf Maver, Erling of Erling House. He is very old and powerful and rarely seen in Malfa—in fact he hasn’t been back in the lifetime of many of the current residents.   There is also, as far as anyone knows, one full-blooded sea elf currently living in Malfa. Until recently, he was selling seaweed from a stall in the dockside markets. Most of the Maveren would be surprised to learn of his existence.