The Divine Isles and The Endless Sea Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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The Divine Isles and The Endless Sea

The Divine Isles are the home of the gods of The Twelve. The "isles" reside in the astral plane known as The Endless Sea Sea. Each god lays claim to their own isle, and typically resides there, though they are free to travel the Endless Sea and to other isles freely. Because of the Divine Compact, they do not travel to the Natural World at will, though Serrenna will sneak to that plane on occassion, much to the consternation of her fellow deities, because doing so could violate the terms of the contract made with the denizens of the lower planes.

Scholars, sages, and those wishing to gain knowledge of the existense of the planes also refer to the Endless Sea as the Astral Plane, and the Divine Isles as the Upper Planes, and the Nine Hells and Abyss are considered the Lower Planes. The Endless Sea and the river, Infernus are the exclusive means of traversing between planes. Only the gods and the most powerful mystics possess the knowledge and ability to navigate these astral pathways. Mortal beings rarely, if ever, tread these waters, as the power required to do so is beyond their reach. Only the gods can find an island effortlessly and without error. Any curious or explatory other planar traveler takes a large risk when travdelling to the Upper Planes through the Endless Sea, also known as the Astral Plane. The explorer could become lost and drift aimlessly in the Endless Sea for all of eternity, if not found.
Alternative Name(s)
The Upper and Lower Planes, and the Astral plane.
Planar Sphere/Grouping
Owning Organization

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