Acheron Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Acheron is the home of the god of war and strife, Tyrannus. Acheron is a plane of endless strife and conflict, where iron cubes float in a void of eternal twilight. Each cube is a battleground, where armies clash in ceaseless warfare amidst jagged landscapes and stormy skies. Tyrannus, god of warfare, commands Acheron as a realm of strategic warfare and unyielding determination. It is a place where tactics, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of victory define existence.

Acheron stands as a stark, brutal testament to the nature of war, a realm where conflict is eternal and peace is but a distant, unattainable dream. It is the domain of Tyrannus, the god of warfare, and reflects his unyielding, combative spirit in every aspect of its existence.

Those who have taken Tyrannus as a patron deity, or have died in some manner of martial conflict are taken before Tyrannus to be judged. show particular ruthlessness, brutatlity, cunning, or unyielding in battle are sentenced to fight forever on Acheron to forever seek the staisfaction of crushing their enemies and vanquishing their foes. Those that are taken to Acheron to be judged in the afterlife that have shown cowardice, mercy, compassion, and the like on the battlefield are sent to one of the Lower Planes.


Acheron is an isle of eternal conflict and strife, a battleground where the echoes of war never cease. The landscape is dominated by vast fields of broken weapons and armor, barren plains, and jagged cliffs. Massive iron cubes, some miles wide, float and collide in a void of perpetual twilight, creating an ever-changing terrain that reflects the chaotic nature of warfare. The ground is scorched and cracked, bearing the scars of countless battles fought over millennia.

Localized Phenomena

Acheron is dotted with the remnants of ancient fortresses and battlements, long abandoned and in ruins. These structures are often built atop the massive iron cubes, offering strategic vantage points over the ever-shifting landscape. Rivers of blood and oil flow through the plains, converging in dark, stagnant pools that reek of decay. Monuments to forgotten warriors stand as grim reminders of the endless conflict, their names and deeds lost to time.

The essence of Acheron is its eternal war. Armies of fallen warriors, spirits bound to the isle, continue to fight their never-ending battles. The clash of weapons, the roar of combatants, and the cries of the dying are constant, a cacophony that permeates the very air of Acheron. These spectral armies are often led by powerful warlords, spirits of legendary warriors who seek to impose their will upon the isle.


The climate of Acheron is harsh and unforgiving. The air is thick with the scent of smoke and metal, and a perpetual, blood-red twilight casts an eerie glow over the landscape. The weather is tumultuous, with frequent storms that unleash torrents of rain mixed with ash and embers. Lightning splits the sky with regularity, striking the iron cubes and the ground below, creating an atmosphere charged with raw, destructive energy.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of Acheron is sparse and adapted to the harsh environment. Blackened, twisted trees with iron-like bark stand as sentinels on the plains, their leaves dark and brittle. Thorny, bramble-like plants grow in tangled clusters, their thorns razor-sharp and covered in a thin layer of rust. Occasional patches of hardy, ash-colored grass struggle to survive in the nutrient-poor soil, providing minimal cover and sustenance.

The fauna of Acheron is equally adapted to the relentless conditions of eternal warfare. Creatures here are fierce and often aggressive, mirroring the violent nature of the isle itself.

  • Ironfang Beasts: These large, wolf-like creatures have metallic fur and iron-like teeth and claws. They hunt in packs, preying on any living thing that crosses their path, and are known for their relentless ferocity.
  • Warhawks: Massive birds of prey with wingspans reaching up to twenty feet, these creatures have feathers that glint like steel. They soar above the battlefield, diving to snatch up smaller creatures and scavenging the remnants of battles.
  • Gorefiends:
  • Humanoid beings born of the chaos of Acheron, they are twisted and malformed, driven by an insatiable thirst for bloodshed. They roam the plains, attacking anything that moves with crude weapons fashioned from the detritus of war.
  • Ash Serpents: These large, snake-like creatures have scales that blend seamlessly with the ashen ground. They lie in wait beneath the surface, striking with blinding speed at any unsuspecting prey that comes too close.
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  • Warcrows: These intelligent, crow-like birds have eyes that gleam with a sinister intelligence. They flock together, watching over the battles below and feasting on the fallen. Some say they are harbingers of death, appearing before particularly brutal conflicts

Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of Strife
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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