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Father Refrum

Father Refrum is a priest of Ilmater in the the ruined city of Seaton, otherwise known as the Styes. From his temple, Refrum runs an underfunded clinic for the various sick and suffering people of his city.  


  Prior to the 1490s, Refrum became the head of the dilapadted Church of Ilmater in the north side of Seaton, hosting all manner of poor and downtrodden. Though often abused, Refrum never abandoned his work serving the people of the city.   In Summer of 1496, the abused prostitute Lonnie made her way to Refrum's for aid after the Heroes of Saltmarsh fended off her "husbands's" debt collectors. Refrum treated her and began training her as a nurse aid.   In Nightal of 1496, the Heroes of Saltmarsh returned to the Styes, seeking the lair of the aboleth S'gothgah. The Heroes first sought out Lonnie, who was still working with Refrum, and Refrum told the Heroes about the recently arrested Lantern Ghost Killer, who was revealed to be a poor man named Jarme. Refrum couldn't believe that Jarme, a sweet man, could have committed those murders and mentioned how strangely he'd been acting, clueing the Heroes in to the fact that he may have been Banesmarked. Refrum directed the Heroes to the Hopene'er Asylum, where Jarme was being held.   In Kythorn of 1497, Mogran Oredelver, now a member of the Hand of Mana, returned to the Styes to handle the remnants of S'gothgah's Cult of Bane. While visiting Refrum's, and giving the beleaguered priest monetary support, a green dragonborn egg Refrum was carring for hatched. Smitten with the young baby, who also imprinted onto Mogran, the Hero of Saltmarsh adopted him, naming him Erig.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1456 CR 42 Years old
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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