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Mogran Oredelver

Mogran Oredelver

Mogran Oredelver Velgrund is the chief artificer and hero of the dwarven Clan Velgrund, a member of the Hand of Mana, and one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh.  


Early Life

  Mogran was born on the 17th of Mirtul in 1321 to Burgmüller and Gyleth Oredelver in Nettlemurk Hall, the ancesteral home of Clan Velgrund. Mogran was born as the second of seven, and like all dwarves of the clan had a traditional education before settling on his chosen calling: artificing. Mogran studied under the clan's chief artificer Riswyn Thunderbane as an apprentice for decades before becoming a full-fledged artificer upon their creation an explosive that created far less smoke than the ones currently in use, making mining safer and easier for the clan.   In the late 14th century, Riswyn led an excavation that resulted in the rediscovery of an ancient soul trap that appeared to have limitless storage capacity that she named the God Trap. For the next several decades, Mogran aided Riswyn's study of the device while pursuing their own crafting.   In late 1435, the black dragon Voaraghammanthar begun nesting around Nettlemurk Hall with the goal of stealing the God Trap. The dragon's presence around the stronghold warped the landscape to become more swamp-like, and in Hammer of 1436 the stronghold's defenses became weakened enough that the dragon was able to break inside and steal the God Trap, killing numerous dwarves, including Riswyn, in the process.   Mogran did not have long to mourn his mentor's death, as shortly after the dragon's raid a group of orc's from the Kingdom of Many-Arrows arrived to beseige Nettlemurk Hall, taking advantage of its weakened defenses and ultimately storming inside in Elient of that year. Most of the dwarven defenders were slaughtered, and only 200 of the 3000 original inhabitants of the stronghold survived. Of the Oredelvers, only Mogran and his younger brother Ardek managed to escape.   During the next 15 years, Clan Velgrund wandered from settlement to settlement, seeking aid in retaking their stronghold and then later just finding shelter. Mogran was forced to step up for his younger brother and began comforting and raising him.   In 1450 the clan was granted leave to settle outside of Neverwinter and the following year, Mt. Hotenow errupted, destroying most of the city. Clan Velgrun moved inside of the city walls and created an exiled home in the Burrows. Mogran moved with the clan, aiding in their defense and construction.   When Lord Protector Dagult Neverember began his New Neverwinter project to rebuild Neverwinter in 1469, he secured the aid of Clan Velgrun in helping to rebuild the city in exchange for limited autonomy. Mogran, Ardek, and many of the other Velgrunds began aiding in the construction, ultimately joining Mountain Gem Construction as employees of its non-Velgrund dwarven owner, Manistrad Copperlocks. The Velgrund dwarves would remain in Mountain Gem during its transition from construction to mining, and Mogran's skill at artificing and invention allowed him to quickly rise through the company ranks, eventually becoming one of Manistrad's closest subordinates. Mogran also became infatuated with Manistrad during this time, but didn't do anything to pursue his feeling.   In 1493, Mountain Gem was given leave to establish the Saltmarsh Mine, and Mogran was among the many employees that moved to Saltmarsh to support the mine, spending half his time in town and the other half at the mine itself.  
The Banesmark Crisis
(See the Heroes of Saltmarsh)   On the 9th of Eleasis, the Heroes of Saltmarsh, recently reduced by Reyna Moonflower and Keyleth choosing to leave, were approache by Manistrad Copperlocks. The group was planning to travel to the Neverwinter Gala to seek the help of Lord Neverember's court wizard Brisk, and Manistrad asked that the Heroes take Mogran with them, believing that the Heroes were now dealing with an issue that threatened the entire town and thus needed a Neveren on their team to be fully embraced by every Marsher. The Heroes agreed and Mogran joined them and Manistrad to Neverwinter.   While at the Neverwinter Gala, Mogran asked Manistrad to dance with him, but their dance never occurred as the gala was interrupted by an false flag attack by monks of the Twilight Monastery. After the party escaped the gala, escaping with Krisella Ferox, who was framed for the attack, in tow, Mogran led the Heroes to hide out in the Burrows. The next day, Mogran bid farewell to Manistrad, who opted to remain in Neverwinter to deal with the attack's aftermath, and left to investigate the Isle of the Abbey with the Heroes on the way back to Saltmarsh.   When the Heroes returned, they were told they had twenty days to help the town prepare for an upcoming attack on a sahuagin fortress. Upon hearing that the Saltmarsh Mine was currently inoperable due to a wave of firenewts storming into the mine from its lower depths, Mogran convinced the Heroes to deal with that first. At the mine, the Heroes met with Manistrad, who had returned from Neverwinter, and negotiated their way past the firenewts and discovered an open great brass door the Elemental Plane of Fire. The Heroes battled the slave guardian of Tajir Samiya Ikraam Samina Karim and then met with the Tajir herself and negotiated for the mine's reopening and the door's closing in exchange for giving the Tajir 15% of the mine's silver haul indefinitely.   When the Heroes reported their solution to Manistrad, she was extremely upset at the Heroes failure to negotiate any type of better deal, and she fired Mogran from Mountain Gem, telling him that someone had to take the fall when she reported this news to Lord Neverember. She attempted to console Mogran by telling him that he was wasting his talents at Mountain Gem and that she knew he could bounce back, but Mogran was distraught and was taken by the other Heroes to get a drink when they returned to town.   Mogran then joined the other Heroes in driving off the hill giants attacking Leilon, where Mogran was bitten hard by one giant, denting his armor and giving him a bite-mark scar. Following that, the Heroes cleared out a den of sea hags just off the coast, where a psychic attack from one of the hags left Mogran unable to hear clearly out of his right ear.   During the Battle of the Spire, Mogran and the other Heroes infiltrated the Javan River Spire. Following a grueling series of skirmishes, including one where Mogran gained another scar from a magically enchanted shark, the Heroes signalled for the true battle to begin and took a much needed rest, where Mogran, emotionally vulnerable, asked the party whether they considered each other family. He was rebuffed by Micah Pierce.   Mogran's role in the Battle of the Spire resulted in him being being proclaimed as one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh. Mogran was also joined by his brother Ardek, who asked to transfer to Saltmarsh so that he could be there for his brother. Mogran also secured the schematic for a Helm of Telepathy from Captain Xendros and used it to construct a magical hearing aid for himself.   On the 1st of Marpenoth, the renowned thief the Mask arrived in Saltmarsh. The Mask, a longtime nemesis of Micah and disliked by Lyra, proposed a mutually beneficial alliance between themself and the Heroes to raid the Twilight Monastery. Micah and Lyra refused and attacked the Mask intent on killing them, but they were stopped by Mogran, who wanted to hear the Mask out. Though this ultimately caused a rift within the group, Mogran held firm and the group ultimately decided to work with the Mask and betray them after the raid.   However, at the end of the infiltration Lyra died, forcing the Heroes to abandon their plans to attack the Mask. Mogran took Lyra's lifeless body through the monastery's teleportation room, which takes entrants to their percieved home. Mogran believed it would take him and Lyra to the Burrows, but it instead teleported them to Saltmarsh, where they crashed into a meeting between Ardek and Manistrad. Mogran rushed Lyra over to the town cleric, Marian Brinehand, to cast Speak with Dead and determine that Lyra still wished to live, and then he took her to Davver Longbeard who used resurrection to bring her back, albeit by changing her race from changeling to human.   Once the other Heroes returned, Mogran decided to confess their feelings to Manistrad, in case the worst happened to them. However, before doing so Mogran and the others discovered that Manistrad had been inflicted with a Banesmark, which shelved Mogran's plans.   Following the Heroes journey to Firewatch Island and discovering the aboleth S'gothgah's plan to create an Avatar of Bane within a kraken, Mogran suggested to the Heroes that the stolen God Trap could be used to stop the binding of the kraken with a Sliver of Bane. The Heroes agreed, and Lyra, Micah, and ally and friend of Ardek Immortal Valentine joined Mogran in hunting Voaraghamanthar in the Mere of Dead Men. There, Mogran landed the final blow on the dragon, driving a fist into its brain, and the group secured the God Trap while Mogran also claimed the dragon's skull.   Back in Saltmarsh, Mogran and the other dragon hunters helped the B-Team and Necian Arrzen slay the vampire Xolec. Mogran then led the meeting to the town of Saltmarsh that convinced the Marshers that the Banesmark was actually a parasite from the Shadowfell that caused irrationality, resulting in the Banesmarked Marshers being quarantined.   The Heroes of Saltmarsh then departed to confront the aboleth in the Styes before chasing it and the kraken to stop the attack on the Neveren Trade Fleet. During the fight, the God Trap prevented the Sliver of Bane from entering the kraken, and once the Sliver was defeated by the crew, it was absorbed into the God Trap, unlocking its true form, the Findalhamar. Mogran was enraptured by the power of the Findalhamar, but ultimately chose to revert it into its inert state after Micah sacrificed the Sliver of Bane inside of it to his Patron.  
Life After the Banesmark Crisis
  Following the Banesmark Crisis, Mogran, Ardek, and Manistrad, recently cured of the Banesmark, moved back to Neverwinter, where Mogran presented the skull of Voaraghamanthar to King Baramir Velgrund, resulting in him becoming a hero of the clan. Mogran would shortly after be proclaimed the clan's chief artificer. He also contacted Brisk, a contact made during the Banesmark Crisis, and joined the Hand of Mana. Mogran and Manistrad also began officially dating.    In Kythorn of 1497, Mogran reentered the Styes to investigate remnants of S'gothgah's Cult of Bane. While there, Mogran was present for the birth of a green dragonborn in the care of Father [Refrum]. Smitten with the newborn, Mogran adopted them, naming them Erig.   In Ches of 1500, Mogran joined the other Heroes in Waterdeep to help Micah rescue Biz, who was kidnapped by a returning Mask. With Mogran's help, Micah rescued Biz and fought off the Mask, driving them away for good.   In 1507, Necian also assembled the Heroes and Krisella in Triel to help him free a group of slaves from the City of Brass, which succeeded. The Heroes ended up teleporting the slaves outside the walls of Waterdeep, and on the way home Mogran again passed through the Styes, where he met and adopted two young half-elf siblings: Naomi and Dimitri.   In 1511, Mogran and Manistrad got married in a big celebration in Neverwinter.   In 1517, Mogran and his family attended the 9th Annual Tournament of Ki to support Lyra and her monastery.   In 1547, after nearly a century of planning, Clan Velgrund and its allies marched to their ancesteral homeland, intending on retaking it from its orcish occupiers. During the Liberation of Nettlemurk Hall, a much older Mogran survived as one of the chief advisors to Queen Lyssanora Velgrund and launched a daring raid into the hall with the other Heroes when the group was flung into one of the air vents in a hollow boulder via catapult. The group killed the orc leader, Bhodav the Venomous, clearing the way for Clan Velgrund's victory.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

by Ashley
Mogran's combat style revolves around his artificed equipment. His go-to weapon are his impact gauntlets, which were repurposed from gloves Mogran had designed to punch and bore into tough rock.   In addition to his gauntlets, Mogran also made use of wings, created from Voaraghamanthar's wings, a robotic spider servant, an electric stun button, a gravity shift device, and more.   Mogran also carries a magical shovel, an artifact held by the Oredelvers for generations, that allows its wielder to cast Mold earth and Erupting Earth.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Mogran was assigned female at birth but very quickly realized that they leaned nonbinary before settling later in life as male. This transition was accepted readily by Mogran's clan and family.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though often scatterbrained, Mogran is a genius when it comes to artificing and inventing. While most of their time artificing prior to the Banesmark Crisis had been spent designing mining equipment, much of it was quite intelligently repurposed during the Banesmark Crisis. However, without strong direction and oversight, Mogran can often become distracted while working, resulting in a series of unfinished projects.


Contacts & Relations

Mogran quickly grew attached to the other members of the Heroes of Saltmarsh and has remained friends with all of them after the Crisis, particularly Micah, Oceanus, and Biz, who have all taken readily to being uncles to Mogran's kids.

Family Ties

by Ashley
Like many dwarven families, the Oredelvers were extremely close. Before the conquering of Nettlemurk Hall, the family included Gyleth and Burgmüller as the mother and father and their children, in order: Dakmiir, Mogran, Jinwry, Briella, the twins Ardek and Gulbrek, and Annipa. Dakmiir was also married to Tonryl and had a child, Malbec.   From Clan Velgrund's exile onwards, only Mogran and Ardek survived, and Mogran was forced to mature rapidly to raise his younger brother. Because of this, Mogran valued stability and security for the two of them for decades, even at the cost of neglecting his own passions. Mogran and Ardek also supported their clan during its struggle, donating a large portion of their income to the clan, as all Velgrunds were expected to do.   Following the Banesmark Crisis, Mogran took readily to fatherhood. While Erig always adored Mogran, and Mog and Dimitri bonded quickly, the two of them often watching the Neveren horse races, Dimitri's favorite hobby, Naomi was more distant with Mogran for years before eventually opening up to him, though never seeing him as her father but instead the person who raised her.   Mogran is also infatuated with his partner Manistrad. To support her business, Mogran has become a majority shareholder in Mountain Gem using his funds from Voaraghamanthar's hoard, giving her greater freedom in how she operates her business. However, Manistrad has remained aloof of traditional dwarven affairs, something Mogran has respected, and never joined Clan Velgrund, which leads to tension following the Liberation of Nettlemurk Hall, as Manistrad wishes to remain in Neverwinter while Mogran wants to live in their ancesteral home.

Wealth & Financial state

Mogran is quite wealthy, due to collecting a sizable amount of gold from Voaraghamanthar's hoard and recieving gold as reward for saving the Great Neveren Trade Fleet. The portion of that gold that wasn't given back to Clan Velgrund has been used to fund his and Manistrad's projects.
Current Status
Raising his adopted son Erig Oredelver
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Mirtul
Year of Birth
1321 CR 177 Years old
Current Residence
An above-ground house in the Burrows
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
by Ashley
Mogran in the years following the Banesmark Crisis   
by Ashley

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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