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Robyn Goodfellow

Robyn Goodfellow

Robyn Goodfellow, whose true fey name is known only by their immediate family, is a current member of the Neveren Shepards and was a member of the Unstompables before its dissolution.  


Life in the Feywild

  Robyn was born in 1456 in the Summer Court of the Feywild to Sparrow and Dewdrop. They were the second of four children, and they had a loving and easy-going childhood. Much of their early life was spent playing games with their siblings and friends, very rarely dealing with serious matters.   In about 1483, when Robyn was 27, they and their friend Thrush were exploring a forest and did not see the natural warnings that they were intruding on the domain of a hamadryad, a particularly strong and ancient variety of dryad. Robyn pleaded for Thrush's life, and their friend was spared in exchange for Robyn's service to the hamadryad for multiple years. During the time of their service, Robyn went instead by Sapling and their master by Bower.   As part of Robyn's servitude, their naturally nimble nature was refined into that of a scout and a rogue, while their talent for illusionary magic was developed to be used in conjuction with their knives.   Around 1487, the Summer and Winter Courts of the Feywild again went to war, as they so often do, and Bower's service was called on by the Summer Court to provide aid. Robyn, still a retinue of Bower's, went along as well and served as a scout for the armies of the Summer Court, fighting in numerous skirmishes, including one disasterous use of magic that temporarily transported Robyn to the Shadowfell in 1488. Robyn managed to escape back to the Feywild, and later that same year, the Summer and Winter Courts fell back into an uneasy peace. Satisfied with Robyn's performance, they were also released from their obligation to Bower.   However, the touches of war had affected even Robyn's home village, and when Robyn returned home, much of what they remembered from their childhood was destroyed, and their sister Weaver was missing, never to be found.  

Life in the Material Plane

by Ashley
Untethered from their obligations to Bower and unable to find peace at home, Robyn wandered for a few years restless, before a wizard's spell summoned Robyn into the Prime Material Plane in 1494. Rather than use the pixie as a familiar, the wizard instead tortured the fey for their magical components, tacking them to a board like a dead butterfly and leaving them without food or water.   Robyn was found like this days later by Callum Nailsmith and his newly formed adventuring company, the Neveren Shepards. Horrified at seeing what was done to Robyn, Callum and his company killed the wizard holding Robyn hostage, freeing them.   To Callum's surprise, Robyn seemed to be in no great hurry to return to the Feywild and instead decided to head back to Neverwinter with Callum, first living with Callum and his wife Lenore Marsk before settling into a tree in a city park. Robyn's loyalty to Callum extended further, and the pixie quickly became a core member of the Neveren Shepards.   Robyn and Callum went on many missions and adventures together over the next few years, including meeting the dwarf Ravs Cullger in mid-1496s when Ravs was hired as temporary help by Callum to clear out some oversized rats from a cellar. Robyn also began to make a home for themselves in Neverwinter, striking up an odd friendship with the city's court wizard Brisk, as the two of them shared a unique connection to their Feywild home.   In late 1497, Lenore and her adventuring company went missing while investigating the town of Clearhallow. In addition, her soul appeared to have grafted itself to Callum's body, seemingly confirming her death. Knowing that the Curse of Clearhallow was likely too dangerous for the Neveren Shepards to handle, Callum dissolved the company and planned to set off alone to find his wife. However, Robyn refused to leave his side, and the two set out together.  

The Curse of Clearhallow

  While arriving into Clearhallow, Robyn and Callum stumbled upon Ravs, who was heading to the town to find his missing sister. On the 3rd of Ches, 1498, their group also encountered Lemmikki Karkkonen just outside of town, a young human woman who was unable to stay too far beyond the town's borders due to the curse affecting it. Together, the four of them formed the hastily put together adventury party, the Unstompables and began investigating the town.   Over the course of the month, it became clear that the true cause of the curse was a magic crystal connected to the god Cyric, which mentally enslaved all who touched it into joining the local Cult of Cyric, including Lenore and Ravs' sister. After a few harrowing adventures into ruined temples, an abandoned dwarven keep, and the cult's base, the Unstompables shattered the crystal, freeing those enslaved by it, and killed or expelled the remaining members of the cult.   Following their victory, Robyn went home with Callum and Lenore to Neverwinter, with Lemmikki in tow, who wanted to see the wider world with her newfound freedom.


Contacts & Relations

by Ashley
Since saving Robyn from their torture, Callum Nailsmith has gone on to become Robyn's greatest and best friend. Robyn enjoys teasing Cal, spending time with him, and generally being a light nuisance. While Callum can often get annoyed at Robyn's antics, they would be loathe to admit how much they truly care for the pixie.   Following Robyn's assistance in helping to save Lenore, Callum has been a lot more forthright about their close friendship with Robyn.   Robyn and Callum's wife Lenore are also friends, but not as close as Callum and Robyn are. Lenore's stern demeanor keeps Robyn from pulling pranks on her. However, Lenore protects Robyn as closely as she does any of her friends, putting that belief to the test when, in 1495, Robyn was attacked by street thugs looking to sell the pixie. While Callum tended to Robyn's wounds, Lenore left to make sure Robyn wouldn't get harrassed again, and they weren't.   Robyn is also a friend of Brisk, Lord Dagult Neverember's court wizard. The two often meet for tea and to discuss the Feywild, and Robyn carries an order of protection from Brisk to prevent street harrassment.   Robyn is friends with the other core members of the Neveren Shepards, though the other adventurers don't understand the pixie's eccentricities as well as Callum.

Wealth & Financial state

Robyn cares extremley little for wealth, having very little concept of it as a result of their communal upbringing in the Feywild.   While Robyn does currently earn and use coins for necessities and for fun, they typically leave all of their wealth with Callum to sort out.
Date of Birth
Sometime in Spring
Year of Birth
1456 CR 42 Years old
Current Residence
Heterochromic (pink and orange)
Raspberry blond
30 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Ashley
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