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Callum Nailsmith

Callum Naglibajtar (a.k.a. Callum Nailsmith)

wi Callum Nailsmith, raised as Callum Naglibajtar, is an orc-raised, human adventurer. He is the founder and leader of the Neveren Shepards and a former member of the Unstompables, the group responsible for ending the Curse of Clearhallow.   He is married to Lenore Marsk, a fellow adventurer and the founder of the Golden Boar Adventuring Company.    



Early Life

  Callum was born on the 8th of Eleasis, 1466 in Neverwinter during the Chaos caused by the 1451 eruption of Mt. Hotenow. Only a few short months later, both of Callum's parents, Arthur and Menda Bines, died of disease during a cold winter. Luckily, the baby's cries were heard by Kadash Naglibajtar, a Half-Orc carpenter. Unwilling to let the young child starve or freeze, Kadash took the baby back to his wife, Dhogvaul , a full-blooded Orc. Though initially planning to find someone to take care of the orphaned boy, the two found themselves falling in love with the child and adopted him, naming him Callum Naglibajtar, as they had no way of learning his birth parents' name for him.   Though residing in Neverwinter when they found Callum, the Naglibajtars, like many of the orcs in Neverwinter following the Kingdom of Many-Arrows raids, were nomadic, and Callum and his family often traveled from city to town to tribal camp. During his young years, Callum grew inseperable from his older adopted brother Mahlugash, or Mal.   In 1469, Dagult Neverember began his New Neverwinter project, pumping money and resources into the destroyed city. Though the orcish residents of northern Neverwinter neighborhoods were not given the autonomy the Dwarves of Clan Velgrund were, the wealth and opprotunity flowing into Neverwinter appeared to benefit all. In 1476, the Naglibajtars decided to settle in Neverwinter permenately.   Life in Neverwinter changed Callum, forcing him to confront the conflict between his orcish heritage through adoption and human heritage by birth. To try and fit into predominately human society more, the Naglibajtars changed their name to Nailsmiths, their name's Common translation. Callum begun associating more and more with humans over his family. However, in 1480, Callum was an accompliance to a shakedown of an orc-owned storefront with a group of young human delinquents. Shaken by the experience, Callum went to his parents for help, who decided that he needed more direction. The next day, Callum began working as his father's apprentice.  

Lenore and Courtship

  By 1488, a 22-year-old Callum was captured by bandits while in the Neverwinter Wood looking for ironbark for his apprenticeship graduation task. Callum was held for three days before he was rescued by the Golden Boar Adventuring Company and their leader Lenore Marsk, who were dispatched by Neveren merchants to investigate a ruin the bandits had occupied. Awed by his savior, Callum crafted with the ironbark wood she helped him find a glaive for her use. Unexpectedly touched, Lenore gave Callum her old glaive as thanks and offered to train Callum in its use.   Over the next few years, Callum's regular training sessions with Lenore became something more and the two began a courtship. Though Lenore spent about three months out of the year not in Neverwinter, her frequent absences did not deter Callum, and the two of them forged a steady and stable relationship and friendship.

In 1492, Lenore and the Golden Boars answered Neverwinter's call for adventurers and mercenaries to fight in the Great Dragon War. The Boars saw extended combat in both the Battle of Hardbuckler and the Battle at the Well of Dragons. During the latter battle, Lenore played a pivotal role in taking down a Blue Dragon, taking its skull as a trophy.

Upon returning to Neverwinter at the end of 1492, Callum met Lenore on one knee with a ring and ask her to marry him. In her surprise, she dropped the dragon skull, cracking it, and she accepted instantly.  

The Neveren Shepards

  Inspired by his now wife and years of training, Callum excitedly joined the call for forces to participate in the 1443 Decker Coup, against his wife's opinion that the coup was far less noble than the Great Dragon War. Callum's experience in the coup would haunt and disillusion him, and he returned home following the coup's success despondant.   However, to Callum and Lenore's surprise, the coup dis not discourage Callum from fighting but instead motivated him to fight for what is right. In 1494, Callum founded the Neveren Shepards with a goal of only taking contracts worth fighting for. As a show of support, Lenore rearranged the Golden Boar guildhall to share the space with the Shepards.  
by Ashley
That same year, as one of his first assignments, Callum and the Shepards rescued a tortured Pixie, Robyn Goodfellow, from an evil wizard based in the Neverwinter Woods.   To Callum's surprise, Robyn seemed unwilling to return to the Feywild and instead returned to Neverwinter with the Shepards, first staying temporarily with Callum and Lenore and then moving into a tree in a nearby park. Robyn's loyalty to Callum went further, and the pixie quickly became a core member of the Shepards.   Robyn and Callum went on many missions and adventures together over the next few years, including meeting the dwarf Ravs Cullger in mid-1496s when Ravs was hired as temporary help by Callum to clear out some oversized rats from a cellar.   In late-1496, the Neveren Orc Riots swept across Neverwinter, after the Aboleth S'gothgah stoked the underlying racial tension in the city. Callum joined the orcish protests with his family, and though token concessions were made to the city's orcish population, lingering resentment continued.  

The Curse of Clearhallow

  In late-1497, Lenore and the Golden Boars went missing while investigating the distant town of Clearhallow trying to end its infamous curse. Lenore's disappearance was capstoned when Lenore's soul appeared one day when Callum awoke. Though the spectral Lenore was unable to speak, emote, or display any form of awareness, she was able to be manifested by Callum at will, attacking alongside him, and magically swapping places with Callum.   Knowing something went horribly wrong, and aware that the Curse of Clearhallow was likely far more dangerous than the Neveren Shepards could handle, Callum disbanded the adventuring company and prepared to set off alone to save his wife. However, Robyn refused to leave Callum's side, and the two of them set out together to figure out what happened to Lenore.   While traveling, Callum and Robyn ran into Ravs Cullger again, who was heading to Clearhallow to find his missing sister Bouba. On the 3rd of Ches, 1498, their group also encountered Lemmikki Karkkonen just outside of town, a young human woman who was unable to stay too far beyond the town's borders due to the curse affecting it. Together, the four of them formed the hastily put together adventury party, the Unstompables and began investigating the town.   Over the course of the month, it became clear that the true cause of the curse was a magic crystal connected to the god Cyric, which mentally enslaved all who touched it into joining the local Cult of Cyric, including Lenore and Ravs' sister. Lenore's soul being grafted to Callum occured the moment she touched the crystal, though whether this side effect was a result of their love, a magical quirk, a divine blessing, or something else is impossible to say. After a few harrowing adventures into ruined temples, an abandoned dwarven keep, and the cult's base, the Unstompables shattered the crystal, freeing those enslaved by it, and killed or expelled the remaining members of the cult.   Following their victory, Callum, Lenore, the Golden Boars, and Robyn left for Neverwinter with Lemmikki in tow, who wanted to see the wider world with her newfound freedom. Callum and Lenore hosted Lemmikki for a few months while the young woman was finding her feet in the unfamiliar city.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to years of trainig and adventuring, Callum is in near peak physical condition. While proficient in a variety of weapons, Callum is most proficient with a glaive, the same weapon as his mentor and wife.

Special abilities

While investigating Clearhallow, Callum gained a series of strange powers as a result of having Lenore's soul infused within his body. Callum gained the ability to summon Lenore's spectre, which could follow his mental and spoken commands to attack or move. Callum and Lenore spectre could also swap places in an instant.   When Callum encountered the mind-controlled Lenore, he found that Lenore's soul and her body could not share the same space, as if the body was rejecting the soul.   Following the shattering of Cyric's crystal, Lenore's soul returned to her own body, removing these abilities.


Contacts & Relations

by Ashley
Since saving Robyn from their torture, Callum Nailsmith has gone on to become Robyn's greatest and best friend. Robyn enjoys teasing Cal, spending time with him, and generally being a light nuisance. While Callum can often get annoyed at Robyn's antics, they would be loathe to admit how much they truly care for the pixie.   Following Robyn's assistance in helping to save Lenore, Callum has been a lot more forthright about their close friendship with Robyn.   Callum is also good friends with the two other core members of the Neveren Shepards, Joseph Minks and "Long Arm" Macgraw, having worked with them for years now.   Callum feels slightly paternal when it comes to Lemmikki, worried about her recent prediliction with fighting in Neverwinter's underground fighting ring.   Callum had a strained relationship with Ravs Cullger, unable to prevent himself from getting annoyed at the dwarf's flippant attitude towards serious matters, despite his effectiveness as a cleric.

Family Ties

Callum and Lenore are deeply in love, though Callum shows it more openly than Lenore, who sometimes seems uncomfortable with open displays of affection. While the two of them have not written out having children, neither of them is willing to commit to a child while they both are adventuring.   Callum remains extremely close with his parents, Kadash and Dhogvaul, and brother Mahlugash. Kadash and Mal continue to work closely in their carpentry shop, and on free days Callum will occasionally join them in the storefront and help out. The Nailsmith family, including Lenore, often have family meals. Robyn joins quite often.
Date of Birth
8th of Eleasis
Year of Birth
1466 CR 32 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Orphaned a few months after birth. Found by Kadash Nailsmith.
Current Residence
Dark brown
Dark brown, kept tied back
212 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Ashley
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