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Ruby Hynes

Ruby Hynes

Ruby Hynes is a Hellrider of Elturel that earned distinction for her service in protecting Elturian refugees in Baldur's Gate during the Damnation of Elturel in the tail-end of the 15th century.  


Born in 1475 in Turmish, far to the east of the Sword Coast, Ruby was enraptured by a young age about the stories of the Hellriders of Elturel, eventually travelling from Turmish and moving to Elturel as a teenage woman in hopes of joining them.   While in Elturel, Ruby met the young elven druid Kinsey Eridanus, and the two quickly became good friends with Kinsey supporting Ruby's desire to become a Hellrider. Ruby also met and clashed with Kaiden Miursa, a young scion of the Miursa family and a Hellrider prodigy whose snobbish attitude rankled Ruby and Kinsey.   In late Flamerule of 1497, at the age of 22, Ruby finally achieved her lifelong dream and was inducted into the Hellriders. However, before she could tell Kinsey and only a few days after her induction ceremony, Elturel and all of its inhabitants were teleported into Avernus, kickstarting the Damnation of Elturel. Thankfully, Ruby was outside of the walls of Elturel when it disappeared, and Kinsey, along with a few of her traveling companions, was underneath Elturel in its Maze, sparing both from Elturel's fate. Unsure of what to do, Ruby and Kinsey joined a caravan of refugees heading towards Baldur's Gate. Ruby and the other guards protected the caravan from goblin atttacks and a traitor in their midst before arriving at Baldur's Gate, where the caravan was denied entry due to the ongoing crisis. Ruby offered to stay outside and protect the caravan from thieves and other threats while Kinsey and her group, now calling themselves the Lost Star Detectives, opted to help solve a series of murders for the Flaming Fist in exchange for the caravan group's entry.   Once Ruby and the others were allowed into Baldur's Gate, she quickly joined the Cofraternity of Refugee Relief, an organization estbalished by Duke Dillard Portyr to provide aid to Elturians. Ruby's work and the story of her journey impressed the duke, but her absence worried Kinsey, doubly so when it was discovered the Ruby was targetted for murder by the Baldurian cult of Zariel. Ruby was present on the 15th of Eleasis when Duke Portyr was assassinated by a Zarielite cultist, and she fought with the other Detectives in dispatching the devils that were summoned by his death.   Ruby was then informed by the Detectives about theri discoveries and Duke Thalamara Vanthampur's leadership over the Baldurian cult of Zariel. The Detectives told Ruby they planned to kill Duke Vanthampur on orders from Liara Portyr of the Flaming Fist, and Ruby realized that they would likely need to flee Baldur's Gate for some time. Kinsey promised that the two would see eaech other again.   After the Detectives left, Ruby remained in Baldur's Gate, working closely with Liara Portyr, who was in the midst of a power struggle for control of the Flaming Fist and her uncle's ducal seat, as Portyr promised aid to the Elturians in the city. In one instance, Ruby and a few others, including Nalansmyrt Thistlecrag, a friend of Kinsey's companion Alesine Zadava, helped protect Little Calimsham in the Outer City from agents of the Guild. When Portyr secured the title of the Flaming Fist's marshal and her seat on the Council of Four, she was true to her word and helped Ruby distribute supplies and aid to the scattered Elturian refugees. Ruby was also kept up to date intermittently by Kinsey sending magical messages from Avernus, where the Detectives traveled to to save Elturel, informing Ruby that any Hellriders and their family were liable to become devils if they were killed.   Following Elturel's salvation in 1498, Ruby returned to her home with many of the refugees she had kept safe. Stories of Ruby's leadership and bravery spread from those that had been helped by her, and she was given a hero's welcome in the reformed Hellriders and aptly rewarded with multiple promotions, a necessity considering how much of Hellrider leadership had been revealed to have been Zarielites.
Year of Birth
1475 CR 23 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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