Eden Fesi

Eden Fesi (a.k.a. Manifold)

Eden Fesi is an Indigenous Australian NuHuman, and this dimension's Manifold.

After Australia passed legislation requiring all NuHumans to be registered and assessed, Fesi was arrested for failure to register, and imprisoned in the ATU Containment Centre in Queensland.

He was taken from the Containment Centre by the Beyonder and teleported to Battleworld, along with the other Chosen Heroes.

When America Chavez arrived in this dimension, she recognised Fesi, as the Utopian Parallel's Manifold had been one of that dimension's chosen heroes. She was able to explain to Fesi how his powers worked, and realised that his presence in both Battleworlds was significant.

Karnak Mandazur used his power to discover that the Beyonder was using Fesi as an achor point. Chavez and Tony Stark broke down the barrier preventing teleportation on Battleworld so that Chavez could take Fesi to another dimension temporarily, making the Beyonder vulnerable and allowing Lin Lie to kill him.

After the Beyonder's death, Chavez returned Fesi to this dimension, and he teleported the Chosen Heroes back to Earth.

Although a warrant exists for his arrest, he has not been taken back into custody, and it is rumoured that he has left the planet to explore other inhabited worlds in the Galaxy.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fesi is a powerful Teleporter, capable of making apparently limitless jumps, however his primary power is an inate connection to the reality of his home dimension. This connection enables his teleportation, means that he always knows where he is even when on an unfamiliar planet, and allows him to pass unnoticed if he wishes.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
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