Everett Ross

Everett Keneth Ross

Everett Ross is a CIA Agent, and a senior field opperative attached to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre.

After the Avengers uncovered the sale of stolen Wakandan Vibranium to Ultron, Ross was assigned to track the seller, Ulysses Klaue.

This mission brought him into contact with King T'Challa, who was also tracking Klaue, resulting in them disrupting one another's surveillance opperations. Klaue was eventually captured, and taken to the Busan CIA Field Office for interrogation.

When the office was attacked by Eric Killmonger, Ross was badly hurt, and T'Challa made the decision to bring him back to Wakanda for treatment, making him the first white man to have entered Wakanda legally in more than a century.

He was forced to flee the Palace of Bastet alongside Princess Shuri and Queen-Dowager Ramonda during Killmonger's coup, and take refuge with the Jabari.

He took part in the battle of Birnin Zana, remotely piloting a Wakandan jet to shoot down drones which were set to deliver munitions to the Hatut Zeraze and paramilitary groups around the world.
Year of Birth
1971 CE 47 Years old
Current Residence
Alexandria, Virginia
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations