
Wakanda, officially known as the Kingdom of Wakanda, is a small isolationist landlocked country located in the Rift Valley in Africa. It shares land borders with Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda, with Lake Victoria (Wakandan: Nyanza) forming the eastern border.

The country consists of five semi-autonomous tribal areas, with the capital city, Birnim Zana, and Great Mound being governed directly by the king. It is an absolute monarchy, having been ruled consistently by the Golden Tribe since it's inception, although the king is advised by the tribal council. 

Although Wakanda is mentioned in the writings from the late Western Roman Empire, and is referenced as a mythical lost kingdom in Ethiopean writings, the Wakandan policy of isolation appears to have begun early in the country's history. As a result of this policy, which close the country's borders to all imigration or even visitation, Wakanda is one of only two African nations never to have been colonised.

Wakanda is generally accepted to be the most technologically advanced country on earth, and its citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. Wakandans have the second highest life expectency, and the lowest rates of infant mortality, cancer death, and mental health related deaths. They have one of the highest rates of literacy in the world.


2.5 million years ago, a meteorite made of Vibranium. landed in the heart of Africa Centuries later, five tribes colonized the area and went to war over the metal, which they named Isipho.

One day, the warrior Bashenga was guided by a vision of Bast, who lead him towards a plant that had mutated as a result of exposure to the isipho. Upon ingesting the Heart-shaped Herb, Bashenga discovered he had been imbued with superhuman abilities, and used them to unite the tribes as the first King of Wakanda and first Black Panther. Four of the five tribes pledged their loyalty to Bashenga, while the Jibari withdrew into the mountains.

As time passed, the Wakandans used the isipho to develope technology that was far more highly advanced than any other nation on Terra. To protect themselves from the colonial empires that were slowly consuming the rest of Africa, they created a cloaking field that allowed them to hide in plain sight, allowing the rest of the world to believe they were a poor pre-industial nation.

Demography and Population

The official and primarily spoken language is Wakandan, a Nguni-Bantu language which is partially mutually intelligable with Xhosa. It is believed that Wakanda developed from Xhosa, rather than evolving parrallel to it, due to the large shared vocabulary. Wakandan also includes influences from other Bantu languages, especially Zulu, and includes loan-words from Igbo.

In addition to the official language, a number of local languages and dialects exist. The Jibari Tribe speak Yoruba as their primary language, and it is the official language of the Jibari lands, the only region of the country not to use Wakandan.

The Merchant Tribe dialect incorporates influences from Berber languages, which is also reflected in their dress and culture, while the Mining Tribe dialect is only partially mutually intelligable with Wakandan, being more closely related to Nlotic languages such as Maa.


 Wakanda is an advanced military power; the Wakandan Army is the country's main defensive force, drawn from the Border Tribe.

The king is protected by his own personal bodyguards, the Dora Milaje, skilled female warriors who have dedicated their lives to the Black Panther.

They have their own intelligence agency known as the N'Charu Silema, a spy network that worked across the globe to maintain the nation's secrecy.

Technological Level

Wakanda's technology developed entirely independently of that of the rest of the world, due to them remaining in isolation. Their methodologies of design are so different it's very difficult to use with outside technology. Their computer technology is so advanced that it's almost impossible to hack. However, they have taken time to learn the technology of the rest of the world, allowing them to hack any external computer system. Most of their technology has Vibranium as it's basis. The Wakandans use advanced communication technology such as the Kimoyo Card and Kimoyo Beads.

The Wakandans do not use fossil fuels, even though their land is rich in resources. Instead they utilize a variety of eco-friendly alternative sources such as solar, hydrogen and geothermal.

Wakandan scientists split the atom almost a century before the rest of the world.

Since the mid-20th century Wakanda employed sophisticated surveillance satellites, launched at a time when the Americans and Soviets were in the early stages of the space program.


The Wakandans worship gods closely related to, although not identical to, those worship in ancient Egypt. This pantheon is known as The Orisha. The pantheon is composed of a number of major and minor gods, primarily Bast, Sekhmet, Thoth,  Ptah,  Hanuman, Kokou, and Mujaji. 

The religion is divided into sects known as cults, who forcus their worship on specific deities within the Pantheon. The dominant cult is the Panther Cult,  who worship Bast. The Black Panther is a ceremonial and religious title given to the chief of the Panther Cult, who is considered to be Bast's avatar on Earth. In addition to his religious duties, he is also chief of its various tribes and ruler of Wakanda. As part of the cult's ceremonies, a chosen Black Panther is entitled to the use of the Heart-shaped Herb that grants the person who consumes it enhanced strength, agility, and perception.

Other Cults include the White Gorilla Cult, who worship Hanuman, which is practised almost exclusively in Jibari lands. The Cult of Ptah is practised by craftsmen throughout Wakanda, but is particularly powerful in the Mining Tribe's lands. The Rain Cult worships Mujaji, goddess of rain and sustenance, and popular in both the River Tribe and Border Tribe lands. The Fire Cult worships the warrior god Kokou, and is also popular among the Border Tribe. The Lion Cult worships the psychopomp goddess Sekhmet, and is particularly popular among the Merchant Tribe. The Ibis Cult, who worship Thoth, is not dominant in any one region, but is popular throughout Wakanda.

It is believed that the worship of Kokou, Mujaji and Hamuman are more recent additions to the religious landscape of Wakanda, as they do not share the Egyptian origins of the other deities. However, some Wakandan scholars have argued that Kokou and Mujaji are remnants of an older pantheon, more closely tied to the native religion of the Rift Valley, which was later largely displaced by the Egyptian deities.

Foreign Relations

Since it's early tribal beginnings, Wakanda has been extremely isolationist. They did not invade or provoke any other nations, but if another entered their territory they would retaliate with deadly force. They remained this way for thousands of years, until the modern era when they decided to join the global community. This is still a matter of contention for the Wakandan people.

Wakanda is a member of the United Nations. This allows them to have political envoys across the globe, such as the Wakandan Embassy in New York City, and the Wakandan Outreach Center in Oakland. 

Agriculture & Industry

The major resource of the country is Vibranium, they have used this mineral to turn them into one of the economically stable nations on the planet. They were isolationists only trade when needed. Vibranium is sold at $10,000 per gram, and Wakanda's sacred mound is estimated to have about have 10,000 tons of the material.

Other major resources includes uranium, coal, diamonds, but also aeronautics and aircraft manufacture.

Trade & Transport

The major resource of the country is Vibranium, they have used this mineral to turn them into one of the economically stable nations on the planet. They were isolationists who only traded when needed. As of September 2018, Vibranium was worth approximately $10,000 per gram, and Wakanda's sacred mound is estimated to have about have 10,000 tons of the material.

Other major resources includes uranium, coal, and diamonds.


Education is highly valued in the Wakandan culture. The nation has one of the highest literacy rates on the planet. They have an eleven year free, compulsory cycle of primary and secondary education. At the end of this, the citizens of Wakanda have the choice in the future of their career path. Many go on to attend one of their free Universities. The citizens also have other options such as farming and mining and other such laboring professions.

Due to their isolationist nature, education outside the country was forbidden.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Kingdom of Wakanda
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Wakandan Dollar
Major Exports
Since the repeal of the formal policy of isolation, Wakanda has became a major global force in the fields of aeronautics and aircraft manufacture.
Major Imports
Wakanda is almost entirely self-sufficient, and imports almost nothing. Since the repeal of the policy of isolation, they have begun importing small amounts of media and luxury goods, primarily clothing.
Legislative Body
Executive Body
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
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Articles under Wakanda