Godthab Omega

Godthab Omega, historically sometimes called Luphom II, is a small desert planet in the Mallay System.


Godthab is a desert planet, with water making up only 5% of the surface, and average annual rainfall of around 250mm. The planet has very low tectonic activity, resulting in a largely flat surface, with very few volcanos or mountain ranges.

It has an unusually low orbit relative to its sun, meaning the temperature equator being more than 200 miles above the lattitudinal equator. This results in dramatically different climates at the north and south poles.

The temperature equator region consists of vast sandy deserts, recieving zero rainfall most years. To the north of the equator is savanna grasslands, where the majority of inhabitants live. This region has a river network, but this is dry for half the year, only filling up during the annual rainy seasons and then slowly drying over the following months.

The northern regions of the planet are a mixture of savanna, tropical forests surrounding the primary mountain ranges, and colder tundra areas close to the pole.


The planet's location, close to a central hub in the Universal Neural Teleportation Network, has resulted in high levels of immigration, with immigrants from more than 150 sapient species making their home there, including significant diaspora populations of Akuun Centaurians and Luphomoids, in addition to the planet's four native sapient species.

Although most indigenous Godthabian welcomed immigrants, as it had been part of the planet's culture for centuries, a significant anti-immigant political movement existed, primarily among the Glorians, who argued that the planet was overpopulated.

The arguments of this vocal minority attracted the attention of Thanos, who in 1997 invaded the planet, massacreing 50% of the population. Those wiped out included more than 80% of the indigenous Viragan population, leading to the near-extinction of the species.
Alternative Name(s)
Luphom II
Related Ethnicities

Author's Note
I've mashed together 2 canonical planets, Luphom II and Godthab Omega, to replace Luphom I as Nebula's homeworld, mainly because we know absolutely nothing about Luphom. We don't even have any canonical images of it. Godthab is a planet where Gamora lived for a few years in the comics. Luphom II doesn't make a lot of sense, given there's only about 4 surviving Luphomoids in the 616 so I don't know who called it that, but we at least one a couple of things about it, and it's logically connected to the Luphomoids, so I've folded it into Godthab.