
The Incoronation is a ritual which proceeds the coronation of a new King of Wakanda.

The heir to the throne has the power of the Heart-shaped Herb stripped from them (assuming they already hold the mantle of Black Panther) and in a ceremony at Warrior Falls, representatives of the other tribes are given the opportunity to challenge the heir in single combat.

If the heir loses a challenge, the victor becomes eligable to be crowned in their place.

All though all tribes have the right to challenge during the Incoronation, in practise only the Jibari and other members of the Golden Tribe issue challenges.

During the incoronation of King T'Challa, he was challenged by M'Baku of the Jibari, but won the duel. After the return of Prince N'Jadaka, he used his right as a member of the Golden Tribe to call a second Incoronation. N'Jadaka won the challenge, throwing T'Challa from Warrior Falls, and ascending to the throne.

Following the death of N'Jadaka, a third incoronation was held for T'Challa. He faced no challenge, and was crowned King.
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