King of Wakanda

The King of Wakanda is the political leader and head of state of Wakanda, with ultimate authority over the country (although in practise, this does not apply to the Jibari-Lands, which act as an autonomous territory).

Although the title is hereditary, during the Incoronation ceremony which proceeds the coronation, any citizen of Wakanda can challenge the heir for the right to the title.

Although the King is an absolute monarch, they are advised by the Taifa Ngao.


In almost all cases, the King will either already by the Black Panther, or will take the mantle at the same time as they ascend to the throne.


Although the title passes to the eldest chlld of the previous monarch, as part of the incoronation ceremony, any citizen can challenge for the right to the throne and the king-elect must defeat them in one-on-one combat before they can be crowned.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
My King | Your Majesty
Source of Authority
Past Holders
Related Organizations

Articles under King of Wakanda