Black Panther

The Black Panther is the protector of Wakanda, and a key leader in the Wakandan Native Religion, being the main priest of Bast

They are usually either the King of Wakanda, or the heir to the throne.

Unlike the Kingship, which could theoretically be passed to any of the tribes, the Black Panther must always be a member of the Golden Tribe.


As the protector of Wakanda, a Black Panther should be capable of defending their title in combat. It is usual for the King to pass the mantle of Panther to their heir when they grow too old to defend the title in combat.


The Panther has a religious responsibility to defend the Mound, both from outside attack, and from evil spirits trying to leave it.

They are the main priest of Bast, the patron goddess of Wakanda, and lead many important religious ceremonies.


Black Panthers are allowed to use the sacred Heart-shaped Herb, which grants them enhanced speed and strength.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Panther Habit, which is both armour and represents that the Panther is Bast's representative and high-priest

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Panther can be removed from office if they loose during a challenge fight.


The first Black Panther was Bashenga, who was the first to use the Heart-shaped Herb and the first to unite all the tribes into one nation.
Civic, Political
Past Holders
Reports directly to
Related Organizations

Author's Note
It's unclear in Civil War whether T'Challa was already the Panther before T'Chaka was killed, but I'm assuming yes, since he had a Panther Habit sized for him on him, which feels like a weird thing to travel with if he wasn't already Panther, so I've sepperated the roles of Panther and King into two different jobs. This contradicts the comics, where they're definitely the same job, and I'm fully expecting it to be contradicted by Black Panther 2 whenever that finally comes out, but I'm sticking to my guns.