Kree Imperium

The Kree Imperium is the term used to describe the era of Kree between the destruction of Supreme Intelligence LIX and the destruction of Hala during the Phalanx Crisis.

Since the death of the Emperor and much of the Sons of Koth leadership during the destruction of Hala, the Imperium now represents the faction of Kree society who believe their leaders should be Kree (as opposed to the Utopian Kree, who are seeking to reinstate the possition of Supreme Intelligence).

Since the fall of Hala, the primary government base is the Kree refugee community on Tarnax II, but plans are underway to colonise the planet Nevul, recently renamed Kree-Pama, in the Kree home system of Pama.


The death of the last Supreme Intelligence at the hands of Carol Danvers was followed by a period of military rule by the Kree Navy. During this period, an increasing cult of personality arose around the naval commander Genis-Vell, who had risked his life to assist Danvers in dethroning the Supreme Intelligences. This eventually culminated in the resurrection of the ancient Kree monarchy, with Genis-Vell being crowned Emperor of the Kree, the first monarch since the end of the Kree-Badoon War.

The appointment of a Pink-skinned Kree to the supreme office, especially one with relatively liberal attitudes towards other cultures, angered many in the Accuser Corps. When the restriction on owning non-Kree music and books was abolished, this growing discontent errupted into the Kree Civil War, with the Accusers and others who opposed Imperial rule forming the Sons of Koth.

Seeking a definitive end to the civil war, Emperor Genis-Vell comissioned Dr Eve to create a new type of Super-Soldier, one which would be cost-effective to produce on a mass scale.

The result of these experiments was the Transmode Virus, which when injected into a Kree body would convert them into the Phalanx, a hive-mind of techno-organic soldiers.

Unbeknownst to Dr Eve, or the Imperium leadership, the Phalanx hivemind was not under Dr Eve's control. They converted her, and escape confinement to begin converting the population of Hala. Realising that the Phalanx could not be allowed to escape off-world, Genis-Vell opted to remain behind when the planet was evacuated, and sacrificed his life, and the planet, in order to wipe out the Phalanx.

The survivors of the Phalanx Crisis, under the command of Captain Glah-Ree, continue to refer to themselves as the Imperium, but a successor to Genis-Vell has not been appointed.

Articles under Kree Imperium