Lunella Lafayette

Lunella Lafayette (a.k.a. Moon Girl)

Lunella Layette, know in the Savage Land as Moon Girl, is an American scientist, and ally of Ka-Zar's Tribe.

At just 11 years old, she was the youngest person ever accepted to the Anton Vanko Memorial Scholarship Programme. She was one of the students whose work was stolen by Advanced Idea Mechanics, and her final project, a Alien Communication Detaction Array, was instrumental in the rescue of Toni Ho from Ultron.

After completing the scholarship programme, she enrolled at Greyburn College, but quickly grew frustrated with staff and other students refusing to take her seriously due to her young age. In particular, her interest in aliens was mocked by the other students.

In an effort to prove herself, Lunella stowed away with a team from Greyburn who were travelling to the Arctic to collaborate with Avengers Idea Mechanics on a study of impact of the the Savage Land on Arctic Ice loss.

She was able to evade notice long enough to pass though the barrier into the Savage Land. She quickly realised she had not adequately prepared for the harsh environment and dangerous wildlife. When she was cornered by a group of Lizard Men, she was rescued by Devil Dinosaur, a sapient red Tyrannasaur.

Taking a liking to her, Devil Dinosaur took her to Ka-Zar, who he knew to be friends with several humans. Ka-Zar tried to persuade her to return home, but with Devil Dinosaur to protect her, she was detirmined to stay and write a paper on the Savage Land to prove her bullies wrong. Ka-Zar considered calling Aikku Jokinen to come and get her, but Zabu persuaded him to let her stay.

She spent several weeks in the Savage Land, using Arsenal-Alpha to send messages to reassure her parents that she was safe, before she returned him. She was instrumental in assisting Ka-Zar's tribe to stop the High Evolutionary from escaping his prison.

Upon returning to New York City, she published a paper on the High Evolutionary's technology, and became a minor celebrity, being interviewed by several magazines and newspapers about her experiences, and appearing on local television.

She was given an Internship with the Savage Land unit of Avengers Idea Mechanics, because Tony Stark recognised that she would find away to return however hard they tried to stop her, and at least this way he would know she was going in with protection and proper equipment. She has retured to the Savage Land three times, to visit Devil Dinosaur and her friends.

Mental characteristics


Lunella was homeschooled, completing high school level education by age 11. After participating in the Anton Vanko Memorial Scholarship Programme, she enrolled in Greyburn College at just 12 years old, majoring in engineering.

After her time in the Savage Land, she switched to studying part-time, in order to leave time for her internship with AIM.


She is an intern with Avengers Idea Mechanics.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is the youngest person ever to secure a place at Greyburn College. She is one of only 26 people ever to entier the Savage Land.

After her time in the Savage Land, she published a paper in a prestigious Engineering journal on the High Evolutionary's alien technology.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lunella is an incredibly gifted mathematician and engineer, described by Toni Ho as "the smartest girl on Earth".
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She was given the name Moon Girl by Ka-Zar, due to the way her round glasses reflect the light.
Year of Birth
2005 CE 13 Years old
Current Residence
Other Affiliations

Author's Note

I know Disney did eventually make an animated Moon Girl tv show, but I want it on record that I had the idea first. Also my version has a sentient Smilodon in it.