Queen / Prince-Consort of the Inhumans

The title given to the consort of the King / Queen Regnant of the Inhumans.

Traditionally the Queen held a largely ceremonial possition, however due to Black Bolt's mutism, the role took on a more important political role during his reign.

Due to the ceremonial nature, in times past it was usual for the Queen to also hold another role in Attilanian society - for example Rynda was also a senior geneticist.

Since New Attilan voted to abolish the monarchy, the title no longer carries any effective power, as it applies only to the dead city of Attilan. As Queen Medusa has no heir, it is expected that the title will die with Black Bolt. 


The rank was attained upon marriage to the King, or if already married, upon accession of a Prince to the throne. Due to the structured nature of Attilanian society, these marrages were usually arranged.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
Your Grace | My Queen
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Current Holders
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