Rynda Magnata

Queen Rynda Magnata

Queen Rynda was the wife of King Agon of the Kingdom of Attilan.

Prior to her marriage, she worked as a chemist in Attilan's water treatment plant.

She collaborated with her husband in an experiment to expose their first son, Blackagar to Terrigen while still in the womb, using Rynda's Inhuman ability to detect and filter toxins. The experiments were successful, in that Blackagar was born with super-human abilities, however his power was so incredibly destructive that they were forced to place the newborn in a sound-proofed isolation chamber for much of his childhood.

The experiments were not repeated with their second son, but they maintained until their deaths that the experiments had not been immoral.

She was killed when Maximus, seeking to discredit his brother, forged a letter showing Agon intended to have Blackagar lobotomised, and left it for Blackagar to find. Loosing control in a moment of fear and anger, Blackagar shouted at his parents, killing them both instantly.
