Quelin Petralon

Administrator Quelin Petralon

Quelin Petralon was the brother of Milena Petralon, and husband of Ambur Kobla.

Unusually for the House of Agon, he and his sister were not nobly born, and were not related to any other members of the House except by marriage. He met Azur when working as the personal secretary of Queen Tanith.

He and his wife vocally opposed the caste system, and the mistreatment of Wards of the State, leading a popular protest movement. When this only resulted in the arrest of the lower-caste members of the movement, they realised no change could happen while Agon Boltagon remained King of the Inhumans.

They and the remaining members of the movement attempted a coup, but the uprising was put down and the instigators arrested. All the ring-leaders of the rebellion, including Ambur and Quelin, were executed for treason.

He is survived by his two daughters, Medusalith and Crystal Amaquelin.


1951 CE 1990 CE 39 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed on the orders of Agon Boltagon
Place of Death