Agon Boltagon

King Agon Boltagon, IV

Agon Boltagon was the King of the Inhumans from 1978 until his death in 1992. He married Rynda, with whom he had two sons, King Blackagar and Prince Maximus.

His rule was characterised by ruthless enforcement of the law. Notoriously, he executed his cousins Ambur and Quelin for treason.

As well as King, he was also the chief geneticist of Attilan. While Rynda was pregnant with their first child, he conducted a series of experiments on the foetus, repeatedly exposing Rynda to Terrigen in various forms. As a result of these experiments, Blackagar was born already possessing super-human abilities. However, due to the destructive nature of his powers, they were forced to place the baby in a sound-proofed isolation chamber for much of his childhood.

The experiments were not repeated with their second son, but Agon maintained until his death that the experiments had not been immoral.

He was killed when Maximus, seeking to discredit his brother, forged a letter showing Agon intended to have Blackagar lobotomised, and left it for Blackagar to find. Loosing control in a moment of fear and anger, Blackagar shouted at his parents, killing them both instantly.
