Thoran Rul

Thoran Rul is a senior officer in the Nova Corps.

He was selected as the Summit Delegate for the Nova Empire at the 107th Intergalactic Summit.

On the first day of the summit, the delegate from the Kree Imperium, Val-Lorr, was murdered. Due to Rul's family having been killed by Val-Lorr's unit during the Kree-Nova War, Rul was arrested for the crime.

However while in cusody, he admitted tht truth - that he had been present for Val-Lorr's death, but had had no part in it. He had argued with Val-Lorr, who pulled his weapon, but the weapon misfired, killing its owner.

He was released from custody, and took part in the final battle against the Profiteer, the true culprit of the murder.
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