
Commander Val-Lorr

Commander Val-Lorr was a senior officer of the Kree Space Navy under both the Kree Empire and the Kree Imperium.

During the Kree Civil War, he was named the Summit Delegate for the Imperium at the 107th Intergalactic Summit.

While attending the summit, Val-Lorr got into a heated argument with the Nova Empire delegate, Thoran Rul, who's family had been killed by Val-Lorr's unit during the Kree-Nova war. When Val-Lorr drew his sidearm and pointed it at Rul, however, the gun misfired, killing Val-Lorr.

An investigation by the Guardians of the Galaxy, who had been hired as security for the Summit, revealed that the gun had been tampered with by the Profiteer, who was seeing to restart the Kree-Nova War in order to boost weapons sales.

Val-Lorr's body was returned to the Imperium by Inndig-O, the delegate representing the Sons of Koth, as a gesture of respect for her fallen enemy, and he was buried with full military honours.

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
2016 CE
Circumstances of Death
Killed in order to frame the Sons of Koth
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Kree (native), Galactic Standard (fluent), Xandarian (proficient), Skrullian (proficient)