
Lord Týr Vilison, formerly Prince Týr Culson (a.k.a. Týr Serpent-Son)

Only son of King Cul and the Frost Giant Hymir, and nephew of All-Father Odin. His birth was notable for the fact that Hymir was not the consort of Cul, and Týr was born out of wedlock, although Cul formally acknolledged the child as his son and heir, and brought him to Asgardia to be raised.

During Hela's Rebellion, Týr assisted in the capture of Hela's stead, the Fenris Wolf. In order to capture the wolf, Eitri was commisioned to craft Gleipnir, an unbreakable rope. Odin then asked Fenris to let them tie him up with Gleipnir as a game, but Fenris noticed his fear and suspected Odin was trying to trick him. He therefor accepted on the condition that one of the gods put their hand in the his mouth, believing this would act as suriety. However, Týr was willing to sacrifice himself for the cause of peace and agreed. As soon as Fenris understood that he was trapped, he bit off Týr's hand.

Following Hela's inprisonment, both her name and the name of Cul were made taboo. Týr's entries in the genealogies of the Aesir where editted to show him as the son of Odin and Cul's younger brother Vili. Týr obeyed the taboo, keeping his own parentage and the story of how he lost his hand a secret, even from his cousins Thor and Loki.

He is married to the Mountain Giantess, Zisa.

Divine Domains

War and treaties, courage, single combat, justice, the þing (Norse political assembly)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The rune ᛏ (tiwaz) is named for him. A tripple ᛏ was used on amulets and other jewelry to invoke his protection.


Tuesday is named for him (from the Old English Tiw)
Divine Classification
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
230 BCE 2248 Years old
Current Residence

Author's Note
In 616 comics canon, Tyr is one of the many children of Odin. Since the movies are clear that Odin has only three children, but I still wanted Tyr to exist for the role he plays in the capture of the Fenris wolf, I reassigned him to Cul.
The Poetic Edda describes him as the son of the male Jotun Hymir. There are several instances of the comics changing the gender of giants (Laufey being the most famour example), plus it's always been unclear if comics Jotuns actually have distinct biological sexes, so I made Hymir his mother.
Zisa almost certainly wasn't a real goddess (her existence was posited by working backward from a place name that people assumed must have been named after a god, rather than because there is any evidence of her having been worshipped), but she is referenced as being his wife in a couple of deeply unreliable later sources, and frankly, Tyr deserves something nice in his life for once, so I'm canonising her in this verse.