
Lady Viliven , Seamstrss Queen of the Tapestry Islands, Keeper of the Loom

Lady Viliven is the Queen of the Tapestry Islands, and a Lord of he Splinter Realms. Prior to the splintering of Subwhere, she was a princess of Nineveh, in Ancient Mesopotamia, and the wife of Agamotto.

She was killed by the goddess Ishtar for being the only person who could answer the riddle asked by Agamotto: what is greater than the gods. She said that sorrow was greater than the gods, for which Ishtar struck her down. Agamotto used his own sorrow at her death to craft the Wings of Needless Sorrow, which he later used to bring Viliven back to life. However, the power of the wings comes at a price, and in exchange for her life, she was sealed within the Splinter Realms, where Agamotto could not visit her.

It is her responsibility to ensure that the Threads of Story are spun and woven by the Weaver Witches.

She is regarded as the closest thing to a neutral party to be found on the Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption, and is often called to mediate arguements between other Lords. Before Agamotto sealed the gate to the Outer Darkness, he gave the Wings of Needless Sorrow to Viliven to protect, knowing she would only given them to someone righteous.

When Stephen Strange asked to take the Wings, despite not yet being Sorceror Supreme , Viliven was responsible for meting out the trial required by the Wings, taking Christine Palmer's memories of Strange in exchange for the the Wings.

Unlike many of the other Lords, she takes an interest in Earth and the lives of mortals, though like all the Weaver Witches, she cannot interfer with a story still being told.


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